God does wonders...A Brush With Death.


Active Member
Friday, my best friend's little brother drowned while camping. He was underwater for 5 minutes, and was completely lifeless. Taran (my best friend) immediately called me, and I was shocked. I couldn't, I couldn't even believe what was being told to me. I prayed, and prayed that he'd be okay, although there was little chance...and today, he's pretty much back to himself. God is amazing. All it takes is one experience like this to change your life forever. Dylan is such a strong kid...he's incredible. I'm so proud of him. The only thing he isn't good at, is singing in the shower.
Here's a video, explaining it a little better than I can. My mind is still in a fog.


Active Member
I'm glad you guys "enjoyed" the story. I am so thankful, and have so much more faith in prayer, than I ever did before. :joy:


Active Member
the big dude above is yes in deed powerful.. not to be a preacher but it's funny how most people only pray in time of crises .... so it's somewhat like ill take you when i need you and not all the time..... like your 'useing ' god.. but that is great about your little bro
i think id go berzerc if someone close to me die..


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
the big dude above is yes in deed powerful.. not to be a preacher but it's funny how most people only pray in time of crises .... so it's somewhat like ill take you when i need you and not all the time..... like your 'useing ' god..
Unfortunately, I was not raised in a Christian family. I am a Christian because I choose to be. And, lately, with a divorce and several other problems in my life, I have lost some of my faith in God. Then this happened, I thought, "God why again?" And now I know...he wanted to show me that he does still love me, and he wanted to show me that good DOES come out of the bad. Its just that I couldn't see that with the divorce, and I still can't, because that takes a while longer. I try not to 'use' god, but I know I have in the past, and I don't want that. I read the bible every day before I go to bed, and I pray all the time. Maybe the only reason we ever hear of people praying, is in a crisis, because that's the only time they talk about praying with others. I know thats how it was with me..


Active Member
Great story. I won't get into the faith and God thing because I could talk all night but I did like the story.


Active Member
I just want to BUMP this thread. I want this story to touch as many people as it possibly can, because it is life-changing. At least, it was for me.


New Member
Awesome story!!! (and YES, GOD is AMAZING!!!)
Someone mentioned something about praying, and when they do it. I, personally, just "talk to God" throughout the day. I just kind of "ramble" to Him, like I would a Best Friend. (and He seems to love me very, very much!!)
The "Power of Prayer" is so strong, and so real. (Good for you, for not losing faith along the way!!) Even if you do, He's STILL THERE for you, just waiting for you to come back. (We should all be so forgiving!)


New Member
that story tells me that doctors dont know crap until something happends this is just one of the many examples of present day miracles from God period.


Active Member
If you believe there is a god and it was your praying that helped, then that's just terrific! It always amazes me that people turn to god only when times are really bad and rarely when things are going really well... Maybe you should pray for all the poor people that are dying of AIDS in africa or all the innocent people dying in the middle east.


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Originally Posted by Jmick
Maybe you should pray for all the poor people that are dying of AIDS in africa or all the innocent people dying in the middle east.
Jmick, thank you for leading that prayer.