goin on vacation.. what should i do?


hey guys im going on vacation for 3 days max and i have a 28 gallon fish only with inverts tank... just wondering what i should do in terms of feeding... vacation feeder? if so, any one have any good ones i should use? or should i just feed right before i leave and not feed untill i get back? thanks guys


Originally Posted by MattH2181
hey guys im going on vacation for 3 days max and i have a 28 gallon fish only with inverts tank... just wondering what i should do in terms of feeding... vacation feeder? if so, any one have any good ones i should use? or should i just feed right before i leave and not feed untill i get back? thanks guys
What inverts you have in your tank?


Active Member
You don't know of anyone that could swing by just once?

If not, I wouldn't worry about it (food wise) if it's only 3 days. The fish are not going to starve. I would be more focused on making sure topoff water is okay, temp. is not a problem, etc.


inverts include 3 margarita snails, 6 hermits, sand sifting star fish, and a cleaner shrimp, fish include a clown and royal gramma. and yea all my house mates are leaving most likely... if one decides to stay ill give em a key no doubt... but yea temp doesnt fluctuate more then 0.7 F in a giving day/night cycle, and ill make sure water is topped off before i leave...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MattH2181
inverts include 3 margarita snails, 6 hermits, sand sifting star fish, and a cleaner shrimp, fish include a clown and royal gramma. and yea all my house mates are leaving most likely... if one decides to stay ill give em a key no doubt... but yea temp doesnt fluctuate more then 0.7 F in a giving day/night cycle, and ill make sure water is topped off before i leave...
There's nothing to worry about.


From my experience with vacations, one day murphy's law will happen (and you will lose everything) unless you are well prepared. 3 years ago I lost my entire livestock in my reef tank due to my long absence from my tank. I was gone for a week in Hawaii and returned to a stinking decaying tank. Everything melted and rotted, ammonia was off the charts due to the fish deaths. My timer did not adjust right and my lights stayed on forever, causing my heat to rise above 93 degrees (this was before i got my controller). You don't want this to happen to you my friend.Here is my check off list for you to have:
(very important, keeps your units in check monitoring temperature,lights,ph)
-back up battery

-auto top off unit
- for 3 days or more vacations
-a reliable tank sitter
for 3 days or more vacations. Not your average joe blow neighbor that will overfeed or even better overdose your system, this has to be a knowledgable reefer that knows what needs to do.
-extra r/o water
- in case your tank sitter needs it, or when you come back i recommend doing a water change
-dosing pumps
- very reliable, unless you have calc reactor/ kalk reactor
good luck, now if i go on mini-vacations, i'd rather not have a tank sitter because i'd rather rely on my fish eating my pods/crustaceans and algae for that couple of days.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about feeding for 3 days with those tank inhabitants. Most fish can live up to 10 days without food. Fish don't get to eat every single day in the wild...
I would make sure that the pumps are all working, that the power strip is on the wall and that all of the electrical cords are drip looped. I would also consider keeping my lights off for 3 days, since it is just a fish only tank. Lights off for 3 days will not affect the fishes/inverts cycles. Think about it being cloudy or rainy for a week straight in the ocean. Everything will be fine.


yea i planned on leaving the light off, maybe leaving the blinds open on one of windows so some light comes into the room (not directly into the tank). but yea ill just hold back on the feeding, and hope for the best, but i know ill be a wreck about em all weekend
, damn this hobby


just an update for any one who helped, i got back after 3 days and everything made it! i actually had my house mate come in twice and feed them some flakes and check the temp, but everything held steady and consistent. had to go out and buy a marineland stealth heater 100W to get it right before i left since my topfin 50w was overheating the tank before i left... annoying. any way thanks to all who helped.


Thats the quality you get with a topfin heater, stealth is a much better choice! Glad to hear everything made it.


Its always good to have a friend in the hobby that can run by and check your tank. Lucky for me NigerBang lives near by. On shorter vacations I get my neighbor to feed. They know nothing about fish but I premeasure the food and they just have to hit one button on my reefkeeper and dump the food in. If its a week I'll get NigerBang to swing by and do the more major stuff.