Going back to salt


Hello everyone, I use to be a member here several years ago, however, due to my expanding family and work I was forced to leave the aquarium world for some time.
A little about me, I have been into aquariums over the past 17 years. I was a cichlid guy forever, breeding them and what not and then switched to salt for approximately 8 years. I had a 75gal bow front reef tank that I loved. Then over the past 5 years I had given up on the hobby.
In December of this year, I purchased a 150gal aqaurium and built my own custom stand and filled it with cichlids. Looking at it, it looked liked a reef tank minus the corals. We wound up deciding to move and I took it down last month. It now sits in my garage and I want to set it back up soon. We just need to do a few more renos in the basement so I should be ready in the next month.
Now, the cichlids just were not doing it for me, and I am finding myself toying with the idea of going back to salt. So just a few thoughts on what I plan on doing. Suggestions welcomed and much appreciated.
I plan on setting up the 150 tank, no sump, I ran a berlin system before and have done very well with it. I will be using a skimmer (I need suggestions on the best unit). I currently have 350lbs of aragonite that I plan on using for the base to assist in the berlin set up. I use to run a HOB Lifeguard fluidized sand bed filter for all bacteria housing, however, I do not believe that they sell them anymore, as well I would like to add an emperor style filter for some mechanical filtration.
I currently have 2.5w per gallon of lighting. I do not plan on adding any hard corals, only soft corals and plan on increasing my lighting with a second canopy shortly.
I have 300lbs of black lava rock. When hit with the lights this looks like live rock. I may add some live rock but use the lava rock as a base. Now in a Berlin system the live rock is a very important aspect, and I do belive that this lava rock will be able to work. I have read alot of mixed reviews on the use of lava rock, however, I am willing to give it a go as it is very close to the live rock.
I have to stage 4 hydor korilla water pumps for circulatoin and to hydor 500w heaters. My lighting system has built in moon ligts as well for my night critters.
I guess, my main concerns, are I use to have great success with a berlin setup on a 75gal, however, with the 150 will I still be ok. I really dont want to add a sump at this point.
Second, best skimmer to recommend??
Third, lava rock in the tank?
And last along with a skimmer, what filtration other than a skimmer. HOB Refugium? perhaps canister, or Aquaclear filled with bioballs and filter media, or a emperor style???
Anyways, thanks for the input, things are always changing and I am just trying to decide if this is the right decision for me at this point and time.


Well-Known Member

Well first...Welcome back.
I don't know you from before so don't try and think of who I might be.
The black lava rock sounds cool, but isn't a good choice for saltwater. I personally have been using canister filters for years, I use two on my 90g. I like being able to swap the media at different times so two works for me.
Hope you stick around, even if things change.


Welcome back.....as far as skimmers....I just got a Hurricone and I love it.....may be a little big for the 150G though....I also looked into the Super Reef Octopus line....they have an XP2000 External skimmer....pricey, but you get what you pay for....You would have to plumb it, and that is not my department