Going Crazy


Please help!! Our fish keep disappearing. We have a 46 Gallon reef tank, with about 60 pounds of live Fiji and Tonga rock. Parameters are good:
We have assorted crabs, snails and 3 shrimp. Fish are continuing to disappear. The only one who has continued to survive is a true perc. If we have a hitchhiker hiding how do we trap it and get rid of it?
Thanks, Dori


Active Member
Do you hear tapping at all... prob more at night? I cant think of any other hithchiker other than a mantis that would be that devistating to your live stock. No remains of any fish found?


There are absolutely no remains. We have lost 2 diamond gobies, at different times, only one in the tank at a time. A Bangaii Cardinal and a 6 line wrasse that actually died in a QT tank, we took him out because he started acting odd and one of his fins was bitten off. Everyone was extremely healthy, active and eating well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gliderjohn
There are absolutely no remains. We have lost 2 diamond gobies, at different times, only one in the tank at a time. A Bangaii Cardinal and a 6 line wrasse that actually died in a QT tank, we took him out because he started acting odd and one of his fins was bitten off. Everyone was extremely healthy, active and eating well.
Hmmm 3 fish not known to be very quick moving...esp the goby's aka sleeper goby's Im thinking a preditor of some type. Do you hear any clicking noises at all in the tank?


Active Member
Whats the time line? Each fish, from the time they were introduced to the tank to the time they died, how long?


Active Member
What about alkalinity, calcium, pH, specific gravity, temperature? How often do you do water changes? What circulation and such do you have? are you sure the gobies didn't jump?


Originally Posted by ophiura
What about alkalinity, calcium, pH, specific gravity, temperature? How often do you do water changes? What circulation and such do you have? are you sure the gobies didn't jump?
He couldn't jump, we have an egg crate top.
Temp is 78.5
PH is 8.20
Sp Grav is 1.023
Cal is 360
We do water changes about every 2 weeks.
If it's a predator how do we trap and remove it. Can we take the live rock out and do something to get the hitchhiker out? What options do we have?


Circulation is from a Coralia 2 and a Rena Filstar XP3 canister filter. I don't know if you would include the Coralife 65 skimmer or the pump from the fuge.
As far as ALK, I don't know if I have this down pat yet. If we're talking about a KH carbonate hardness test, the latest readings are 8 dkh or 143.2 ppm kh/gh.
The eggcrate is cut pretty exacting. It he was able to jump, one of my dogs would have gotten him - and they're not talking...