Going reef! Dumb questions to start.


Active Member
When you receive coral, it is usually on a small piece of rock. I know its not best to put in the sand, but what are you suppose to do with it. Would you epoxy it to rock already in the tank? This is part of the learning process, please excuse the "ignorant" questions. TIA


Active Member
There are no ignorant questions when it comes reefkeeping. Most stony corals will arrive 1 of 3 ways
1) Broken off frag thats not attached to anything. You have the option of super glueing or use epoxy it to glue it to whatever you like, shell, LR etc...
2) Frag thats glued to a reefdisk or reefplug. You can hide it between two rocks or remove it from the plug and glue it onto some LR or whatever. Or you can leave it on the disk/plug and let the coral encrust the base.
3) Frag thats attached to a piece of LR, then you can just place it in the correct lighting zone for that coral, nothing to do.