going reef... nitrates high


Active Member
just trsted my water and here are the results
nitrate 20
nitrite 0
alkalinity 300+
ph 8.3
im going reef soon, is there n e problems with these rfesults?


Active Member
That Nitrate is not that bad just keep up on your water changes other than that it looks fine to me good luck


Active Member
try to get nitrates down at least 10ppm and make sure calcium is 400-450ppm. nitrates of 10ppm is when I go into immediate action mode although I havent known 10ppm to have ill effects on anything I have. I never let em get any higher than that though.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
try to get em down at least 10ppm and make sure calcium is 400-450ppm.

Stanlalee is right on, esp if you are considering delicate corals.