well i just want to say that i really liked this web site but due to the lack of responses ive gotten from the folks here i gotta find some other site, thank you to any and all that has helped me out.
maybe i didnt ask the questions in the right way or something but i thought that somebody out there would be able to help me out, i know that there are alot of post and not everybody gets what they want when they want it but ive bumped my post and all that jazz to see if anyone would see them and resond to me in one way or another.
well i know you could care less so take care and thanks again to those that did help me out in the past.
maybe i didnt ask the questions in the right way or something but i thought that somebody out there would be able to help me out, i know that there are alot of post and not everybody gets what they want when they want it but ive bumped my post and all that jazz to see if anyone would see them and resond to me in one way or another.
well i know you could care less so take care and thanks again to those that did help me out in the past.