Going to buy equipment..what do you suggest??


Hi everyone . I am going to go buy some equipment. I am getting a 55 gallon and wanted to know what skimmer and pumps etc..I should get.
I am looking for the Quietest items out there. Someone mentioned a spraybar..but I assume that is noisy.
Also, I need a good brand skimmer that completely breaks apart for thorough cleaning and possibly one that I can put in my sump that does not need as much maintenance.
Money is not a problem right now..so I would rather get the best of the best.
I need everything to start my tank and get it going.
I don't want to do MH lighting..so I will have to avoid corals and anemones so I don't need a chiller and worry about the heat and fire issues with MH lighting since I also have a closed canopy.
Thanks all in advance for the suggestions. I am so excited to finally go get these things or order them at least


Aqua remora is a good skimmer for that size tank. they make one for in sump. they are easy to run, just pug and play. max jet is a good power head. i would get at least two or three. I would look into vho lights for your tank. you can still keep soft corals like mushrooms and zoos, xeina, toad stool leathers. I have a few site to order on line if you need them. m0m24@earthlink.net


to start, you will need the sand, rock, and sump. I dont know anything about those though.Sorry. you dont need to start the skimmer until after the tank is cycled. you will need the power heads for circulation. is the tank pre drilled, for the sump?? oh,you will prob need a heater, though i dont run one on mine, and the temp stays at 80 all the time.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ1
to start, you will need the sand, rock, and sump. I dont know anything about those though.Sorry. you dont need to start the skimmer until after the tank is cycled. you will need the power heads for circulation. is the tank pre drilled, for the sump?? oh,you will prob need a heater, though i dont run one on mine, and the temp stays at 80 all the time.

I am going to get a pre drilled tank so that I can put most items in the sump area.
I am going to do a refugium too. So I need to have the refugium set to go from the start? with the mud and everything?


are you doing the sump, and fuge in one unit. I am doing a 55 gal sump/fuge for my 150. do you have IM??