going to get a frogfish.help!?


I have a 125 gallon with a snowflake eel, a spotted puffer and some other fish that I'm getting rid of I'm also planning to keep some trigs, one more puff and a coral hind. I'm wondering if I can keep a frog fish if so.
What do they cost?
What do I feed them?
Which ones chane colour?
help would be much obliged

angler man

Originally Posted by draconis321
I have a 125 gallon with a snowflake eel, a spotted puffer and some other fish that I'm getting rid of I'm also planning to keep some trigs, one more puff and a coral hind. I'm wondering if I can keep a frog fish if so.
What do they cost?
What do I feed them?
Which ones chane colour?
help would be much obliged
Anglers should be kept in a species only tank. Their sizes vary greatly, from 1/2 to over 13". Commerson being the largest(known to date).
They are a really cool fish, but they can't defend themselves other than their ability to camouflage. Also note that any fish that aren't atleast 1.5 times the size of the Angler will become a snack. They will actually fold the fish in their stomach.
Tank size is debatable, but the main thing is keeping those Nitrates down. I follow the idea of a larger tank, but a small tank will work as long as you can keep a healthy water quality and use some common sense. A Commerson obviously isn't going to work in a 30 gallon tank.
Costs range greatly, from $30.00 to $600.00+ depending on color and species.
All the info I have read on feeding suggests to ween them to silversides. Live feeders obviously work(Do not use FW feeders), but this will become expensive quick. You must learn to master the jedi skills of the feeder stick.

All in all, it can be done but don't risk putting this fish with others. You will stress him out and kill him, or he will clean your tank out.
Hope this helps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot http:///forum/post/2507712
Ummm this thread was only four from the top .
same basic question
I dont think the questions are really the same. One asked what is the smallest tank you can have one in, and one asked prices and which ones change colors.
To the OP: I would say in your case, you could go with a smaller angler, like the yellow wartskin angler, as they are relatively small and have great coloring. They are yellow with maroon to burgandy splotches, and they hide among coral in the wild. Just make sure you keep all of your fish fed well, and also make sure that the angler has hiding places as it has almost nothing it can do to defend itself, other than camo to the surroundings.


Active Member
These are neat fish with the exception that they camo themselves and you can't ever see them. The triggeres will pick on it as well.