Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.


Active Member
Well I'm going to be ordering a AquaFuge External Hang-On Refugium. I need to know what you all think about this product. It will be a short term use only since I will be making my own sump this summer. Also what do you all think about Kent Marine BioSediment in the fuge as sand? Any good? Thanks



Wow, honestly i have never even seen this kind of product before, it looks allsome, how much is it if you dont mind me asking and also does it come with everything you need besides the stuff in it, pump, chambers, etc.


Active Member
I am more into DIY for things like the fuge itself, but in regards to the bio stuff by Kent, I would just use regular sand from an established tank, along with some other sand etc. I was given a 2 pack of stuff that looked like mud in one container and a bunch of old shells etc in the other, (forget who actually marketed it) as my lfs had two or three of them setting there unused and unsold for a long long time, and isnce I fool with NANO and PICO tanks with hob fuges, the lfs said here try it out. I do not see any more of a difference in usuing good lr rubble and ls with macro algae in my fuges than this so called magic sediment stuff.....thats just my observation though..As to acrylic items as such...for as little acrylic they require to make and the rate they can turn them out, I just refuse to pay that much for them...yea, call me a cheapskate......but heck its a simple box with baffles and in and out tubes etc.......but then again its connected to the aquarium hobby...so they can get by with it. Sorry I have not been of any help but if you do not have the time to make a fuge now, I guess its fine but I would still go with locally available LS etc in the fuge and let the kent stuff be.


Active Member
Grapefruit (wow what a funny name),
Yeah, it comes with everything besides the plants,sand, or whatever you want to put in it.
I would build my own sump now but school is interfering with things. So skip the biosediment and go with live sand from the local reef club or lfs? I know my lfs wont give me any of their LS.......mean sob!


Active Member
I like going with as large a possible in the way of a fuge. I saw on a website somewhere that they had listed some customer returns on these hang on fuges and were like 1/2 the price and all items were included and fully functional..... it may have been that depot site but I will not swear to it.....

nm reef

Active Member
Personally...for the price you'll pay vs the benifits you'll likely recieve I'd avoid the popular "hang-on" type refugiums. To me they seem expenseive...extremely small...and offer very limited benefits. I'd simply wait and develope a sump/refugium that would probably be less expesive and far more effective in the long run.


Active Member
yeah but it seems like I have poor filtration. When summer comes I will have all the time I need to build my sump. Know what I mean? And I got another question, do I have to run a light on it 24/7? The tank is in my room and the light i will bother me at night time. Maybe just leave the light on untill I go to bed?


Active Member
I would agree with NM on this one...High dollar/Low return...
Too small to give any noticeable or measurable effect to tank...might be a nice place to raise some pods if that's what you want...
What kind of filtration issues are you having...?
Most can be alleviated by increasing flow... a couple power heads is an inexpensive investment with good return...


Active Member
People have told me my filtration is not so good (emporer 400, turborflotor skimmer, and 2 power heads) so i need something else like this for extra filtration. What do u reccomend?
Yes I have a BIG problem with AIM when ever u try to contact me it freezes up so dont contact me i will contact u.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
yeah but it seems like I have poor filtration. When summer comes I will have all the time I need to build my sump. Know what I mean? And I got another question, do I have to run a light on it 24/7? The tank is in my room and the light i will bother me at night time. Maybe just leave the light on untill I go to bed?
Cartman... how much light you need depends on the type of macroalgae you get. Caulerpa, for instance, needs 24/7 lighting or it will go sexual on become toxic. I use chaeto, which does fine with 12 hrs of lighting. BTW, let me know if you're not going to use the overflow... keep it if you're going to use it but if not, do me a favor and send it back. Personally I think you'd be much better off getting a 20 gallon tank and converting it into a refugium. It would be cheaper and much better for your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Cartman... how much light you need depends on the type of macroalgae you get. Caulerpa, for instance, needs 24/7 lighting or it will go sexual on become toxic. I use chaeto, which does fine with 12 hrs of lighting. BTW, let me know if you're not going to use the overflow... keep it if you're going to use it but if not, do me a favor and send it back. Personally I think you'd be much better off getting a 20 gallon tank and converting it into a refugium. It would be cheaper and much better for your tank.
Yes, Crimzy i will be using it for sure. In June when I have time build my own sump


Active Member
Is it possible for me to go out and buy a tank and add the baffles in, in one day? If so i might just do that!


Active Member
You could run around and get all the equipment and build it today. The set up may not be dry and usable until tomorrow. You'd need to get the tank, have the baffles cut, get a light and aquarium sealant today. Tomorrow you would pick up the substrate, macro and you'd be ready to go.


Active Member


Active Member
I'm not familiar with all the equipment out there. I'd just get something in the neighborhood of 1200-2000gph that's reasonably priced. Ask the lfs for recommendation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I'm not familiar with all the equipment out there. I'd just get something in the neighborhood of 1200-2000gph that's reasonably priced. Ask the lfs for recommendation.
1200-2000 gotta remember that. Now when you said 1200, will a maxi-jet 1200 work?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
People have told me my filtration is not so good (emporer 400, turborflotor skimmer, and 2 power heads) so i need something else like this for extra filtration. What do u reccomend?
Lets loose the emperor... the Turbo is a fine skimmer for the price, I give you a couple simple mods for it...Two PHs is a start, if you do the sump (ala crimzy) that'll do if not add two more...
Here's My thoughts of filtration...
Large (adaquate) quantity of Live Rock and SSB for Biological filtration (suface area for Bacteria)...High Flow , distributed through out the tank to keep deitrus suspended and removed from MT,promote gaseous exchange and maintain oxygen levels...a Large sump and LARGER Fuge with Macros for malnutrient removal through export (denitrification) and a Killer Skimmer to remove Mass quantities of DOCs (organics) prior to decomposition...
With a well balanced system, no other "filtration devices" (bioballs/biomedia) are necessary...Other than the ability to run Chemical Media (carbon or phosphate removers) from time to time, best done in a Fluidized bed (or converted canister) type system...
Your 2/3 there...Go get a cheap 20 gallon tank or if your real low buck, you can do it by "nesting" rubbermaid tubs inside each other...