Going to try a.....


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Mandarin in my 14 gal biocube.. Think itll work? If not why?



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I personally don't think that size tank will be able to sustain a large enough colony of pods, even if you do get them to breed and propogate.


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I have to say sometimes I worry my mandarin is going to eat all the pods in my tank, and it's a 180g with a huge fuge packed with LR and chaeto, plus there's some like 250lbs of LR in the DT. All this guy does all day is hunt pods and eat them. Success stories are out there, but rare, with anything smaller than the 100-ish gallon size. Just my 2 cents, but you should probably pass.


Originally Posted by m0nk
I have to say sometimes I worry my mandarin is going to eat all the pods in my tank, and it's a 180g with a huge fuge packed with LR and chaeto, plus there's some like 250lbs of LR in the DT. All this guy does all day is hunt pods and eat them. Success stories are out there, but rare, with anything smaller than the 100-ish gallon size. Just my 2 cents, but you should probably pass.
How many bags of pods did you add before you got a self reproducing group in your tank ??


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Originally Posted by DrTITO
How many bags of pods did you add before you got a self reproducing group in your tank ??
A single batch of 500. Plus, the majority of the LR was from an established tank, and I siphoned out as many as I could to add to this one.


i bought a bag from SWF.com it seems it just dissapear in the tank.J/k but I guess I will have to buy more. do yours reproduce all on ther own or do you always add more.?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DrTITO
i bought a bag from SWF.com it seems it just dissapear in the tank.J/k but I guess I will have to buy more. do yours reproduce all on ther own or do you always add more.?
At this point they reproduce on their own in my fuge as well as in the LR in the DT.


Active Member
Yeah, I personally don't think it will work, I kept a scooter in a 29 for around a year and a half... though I got it to readily accept mysis (coolest thing ever, it pounces on it like a cat) and i supplemented pods. I also kept alot of rock piles connected by pvc under the sandbed as a place where the pods could reproduce. A bit of an underground fuge in a sense. Also for a period of time I had a lot of plants growing in my tank and I put them in a soap dish stuck on the inside of my tank near my pump. This was another fuge. So a dish soap fuge, underground network fuge, and mysis a plenty, I kept mine very very happy for the time I had him. Unfortunately she did die, though not from starvation. My tank slowly declined and I lost several things in about 3 days. Since then I haven't really had much enthusiasm for it : ( Though I'm moving to Orlando in a few days and will be starting a new nano there. REJOICE!
anyway, don't do it. I'm dumb.


Active Member
I would not risk it. I'm still contemplating if I dare to try a Mandarin in my 75 with 100lbs of LR and a sump/refuge full of pods.


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Originally Posted by spanko
Hmmmm........seems conventional wisdom says don't do it. Still gonna go for it reb?
uh they dont call me rebel for nothing...
Nah I dont know though.... I guess not and I guess my 2nd chamber wont be a fuge anymore


Well I got a scooter blenny to axcept mysis by putting some in a turkey baster close to his mouth and he ate about 5 of them. It might be different with a mandarin. I wouldn't recomend it either way but you could ask the guy at the LFS to feed it some mysis, if it eats you should be okay with some added supplements that is.


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Nah, mandarins eat exactly like scooters. I did have two mandarins (both kinds) at one point or another. As well as two other scooters at one point (don't buy the tiniest dragonet you can find hoping its easier to get them to eat then, well... it is, but they are so tiny they usually dont make it)
But my Mandarins ate just a little less than my scooter did, but in a 14.. . . . wouldn't go for it. Well, in all honesty, I would. I'm getting a 15 when I move hopefully and you bet a scooter is on the to buy list. So eh, who knows, its all personal choice so do whatever you think you can do. Minimal flow during feeding and a fat healthy looking mandarin are the two things i held highest in my purchase.