Originally Posted by
you can't use copper and hypo at the same time. Pirates, what are you saying?
He's lowered his salinity on purpose to kill the ich cycle.
CL, sounds like everything is going good. good to have a refractometer for the hypo.
So if im reading the directions correctly you need to get the ich to not show any more visable signs and then continue the hypo treatment for 4 weeks after you see the last sign of ich.
I do know from talking to joe and some others that the hypo works be not allowing the cells to divide when in the tomont stage. effectively killing the cycle.
good luck,
Im doing copper treatment right now, today is day #9 of 30. fish are looking great. eating good, much better than I was expecting when dosing somehting that could potentially kill them. So far so good.
I did and it worked for me i had a fish that just could not get rid of ick so set my salt at 1.012 know lower then used copper and the others that i said and the fish had no ick in one week and the fish was bad before i started thought i was going to lose the fish tried every thing that i could do and seemed that nothing would work so i am just saying what worked for me i saved my fish and it was bad just giving my input on how i saved my clown fish i still have my fish
and do a slow slow acclimation do the drip if you do not do that right you will kill your fish