Going to try hyposalinity


I really hope so. For anyone who remembers...he was very stressed out when I first brought him home. Swam up and down the glass very fast, wouldn't explore the tank...was all in all not a very 'happy' fish.
Well yesterday, when I added him back to the DT, he looked 'happy' for the first time. He picked at the rock and glass, I actually saw him chase down a pod on the rocks, he investigated the new corals and swam in the middle of the tank like he was just chillin. He really looked happy.
The whole time he was in QT, after the first two days, I never saw a sign of ich. Even after I raised the salinity, no ich. I can only hope now, that he won't get it again.
Question...if I QT everything that goes into my DT, will he never be able to get it again? Or can he get it if he gets stressed out, even if I QT everything?


excellent, then yes, you should be ich free. from now on QT everything before it goes into the tank. make sure and use seperate nets ect for the QT tank and the DT. Should be good to go.
Grats :)