Going to *****


Originally Posted by wembleey
That is childish you people need to grow up!
No, you do. Do you think people or everyone that works ***** is like you. So you dont have problem with how the fish are kept sometimes. I visited it a few day a go and there was a dead clown or at least it looked like it might have been a clown rotting in the bottom of the tank it was there for more than just a few hours.
What test do you run on your water and with what test kits. The 8 in 1 that the guy told me that you are required to use. I would not buy anything from ***** and if you are offended then go apply at LFS


New Member
Apology accepted..It wasn't just you.
I got a little upset, Maybe because I just don't believe in screwing people.
All I know is at one paticular ***** there is one associate that does care about what people have to say and I try to help the best I know how.
I am game, whats situation?


New Member
Originally Posted by PClown
No, you do. Do you think people or everyone that works ***** is like you. So you dont have problem with how the fish are kept sometimes. I visited it a few day a go and there was a dead clown or at least it looked like it might have been a clown rotting in the bottom of the tank it was there for more than just a few hours.
What test do you run on your water and with what test kits. The 8 in 1 that the guy told me that you are required to use. I would not buy anything from ***** and if you are offended then go apply at LFS

You don't know what goes on at ***** you are not an employee.
We do test our water but not the way you are saying we do.
And we pull dead two times a day. Keeping that many fish yeah some are going to die.
You don't know what our requirments are for maintaining the fish dept.
And if if you think one dead clown in our fish tanks is bad(I have seen worse) then you must be out on a hunt for perfection. I not going to respond to any more of you posts. You don't know what your talking about.


I only know what I see and was told by a ***** employee and your right I dont and wouldnt work there. I dont need you to reply


a 20 gal is big enough cuz thats what i have. i have a 20gal extra high meaning that instead of being in only a half of foot high or so it is about 2 feet high. ***** however will only try to sell u stuff as do most pet stores. it is however better to go bigger in the size of your tank. if you have a bigger tank a disease wont spread as fast as it will in a small one


Active Member
PC who said an LFS would be better. I know several that are in the same class as what I witnessed last night!
wemb, heres the story. We have a brnd new mega mall/shopping area that just went up starting about a year ago and ***** is one of the stores. I usually don't shop there b/c I have a Petsmart close by and all I really get there is dog/cat food and small stuff for my tanks. Anyway meet the wife over at the new mall for dinner with the kids and my son saw the ***** and wanted to stop by and see the what kind of fish they had and if they sold SW stuff. Hes already a SWF junky at the ripe old age of 7.
So after dinner my son and I go into ***** and right in front is the SW critters. I think I counted 18 small tank with fish in them. I think there was a small purple tangs in each one or close to it. Also a dog puffer, three stripe and yellow tail damsels, SFE, dwarf loin, Pep shrimp and other small inverts.
Well all of the tangs had ich BAD, some had what I suspect as the start of HLLE. There where several dead damsels lieing on the bottom of the tanks, the puffer was literally as white as a ghost, the sfe was out and gasping for breath, the loin was on its belly at the bottom of its tank etc,etc.
Now I'm not reayling this story to prove a point and I honestly believe you are one of the good guys/gals. My wife and I had a long talk about it and I just don't know what todo. It was very sad and I felt very bad for these fish. I told my wife if I had the cash I would buy them all in an effort to save them.
Now as I said before I know someone else on here works at ***** and is constantly conplaining about the company policies and so on. But come on should this really be allowed to happen? Should I call the amnager or corp office about this store? Man I almost feel like I should go volenteer and save these fish.
What do you think?



I am sorry if I said LFS are alway better.
I mean that I feel that you have better chance of getting good advice from a LFS and healthier fish than *****.
I have 4 LFS and they all seem to be ok, some are better than others of course. Maybe I am lucky that I have not seen anything to bad and no one has yet lead me off of the path too far. I also believe that people need to double check the advice that they have been given wether it is from the LFS or myself. I also feel people need to study so that they know what they want and need and the care requirements before they buy, but people dont always do that and I would trust a LFS before I trusted *****.
When I heard that ***** had saltwater fish I raced over there to see what they had and I was not impress at all, infact I was offended by the guy because what he was telling me and it was not one dead fish that did it but that fish was in there for a good while not a few hours or so. But none of it seemed to inpressing and the guy was not very helpful and knew less than my wife who only know what she see or hears me do.
I have a nano and I love it but I do agree that bigger is better.
I am going to get Blue Pulsing Xenia tonight. They look great! :joy:


Active Member
PC you need to relax. Massive genralizations are not what its all about. ophiura is right. Different stores mean different people and different results. I have to give A LOT of credit wemb she/he (sorry don't want to offend again) had the guts to speak up and defend where they work and are honestly trying to do their very best. Like I said I been in LFS that are in the same shape. Everybodies got a right to make a living and big store offer better benes and sometimes better wages. You have no idea what the situation is. Hey we're all here to try and learn and help one another.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by PClown
I am sorry if I said LFS are alway better.
I mean that I feel that you have better chance of getting good advice from a LFS and healthier fish than *****.
I have 4 LFS and they all seem to be ok, some are better than others of course. Maybe I am lucky that I have not seen anything to bad and no one has yet lead me off of the path too far. I also believe that people need to double check the advice that they have been given wether it is from the LFS or myself. I also feel people need to study so that they know what they want and need and the care requirements before they buy, but people dont always do that and I would trust a LFS before I trusted *****.
When I heard that ***** had saltwater fish I raced over there to see what they had and I was not impress at all, infact I was offended by the guy because what he was telling me and it was not one dead fish that did it but that fish was in there for a good while not a few hours or so. But none of it seemed to inpressing and the guy was not very helpful and knew less than my wife who only know what she see or hears me do.
I have a nano and I love it but I do agree that bigger is better.
I am going to get Blue Pulsing Xenia tonight. They look great! :joy:

When are you gonna frag it?

No worries


Would you buy a car just because the sales person said it was the best??? I didn't think so. Don't forget the lfs and ***** are there to make money so its not the stores fault you didn't take the time to find out more. Not trying to take up for them because I have had my problems with ***** too, but just tired of reading "Its all there fault" All I got to say is who paid for it?
Good luck with you tank.


New Member
At my store if we see any kind of illness we do put them under observation and we do treat them the best we can.. As should every *****.
If they were not being treated and and so to speak left for dead then yeah I would recommend calling the RCAC.
In every dept in ***** there is a hotline # that you can call as a concerned customer and make a complaint about the well being of the animals. If you can't find that # in the store you can go directly to the manager on duty. We do have frequents visits from the RCAC aka animal director that come to check on all the animals in *****. We are graded and docked if things are not up to par, and sometimes persons are seperated. It bothers me that you had to see that. That is just worsening the reputation the ***** has, and from what I heard so far its not so good. Makes me angry. I would take the home as well if I could
Again I am sorry


Active Member
Not your fault! Again I think a lesson has to be learned here. I think I'm going back by myself tonight and see whats up. Its very sad......
Again congrats to you for beening here! Keep up the good work!


All LFS exist to make money. Yes some will sell you stuff they shouldn't and some won't but I think that is a matter of the employees. I have rarely been to a LFS where every fish has been perfectly healthy. Ask employees questions you already know the answer to and feel them out before giving them your business. I would buy your tank at whatever store you feel like building a relationship with. If they don't know what a power head is as I have experienced at one store then I would shop elsewhere.