gold coral banded shrimp


hello there,
does anyone have coral banded shrimp in thier reef tank?
how agressive are they?
have more than a mated pair?
do they attack hermits or other shrimp?
was snorkeling today, stuck head under a crevice and saw a juvenile french angel. right above it was a gold coral banded shrimp in some macro algae
somehow they both ended up inside the bait bucket. strangest thing I ever saw.
well ,let them go, was hard to do but don't have place for french angel, besides, it's illegal, my luck i'd get caught.
my wife likes the coral banded shrimp and wants to get a pair.
I want to have fire and skunk cleaners
how compatible if any?
thanks for your time


Active Member
I have a Coral banded and a cleaner in the same tank. Coral banded chases off my cleaner, but no damage has been done to either or by either..... Also I had alot of bristle worms and he got rid of them all!
I don't know if there is a diffrence in the temprament between the Golds and the normal Coral banded's!?!?!?!


You haft to keep them by them selfs or as a mated pair.I thought I had enough room in my 125 and hiding spots.That it would not bother my pepperment shrimp.He killed all 3 of them in a few days.As far as bothering other tank mates.He dont seem to bother anything else.


Active Member
Gold coral banded shrimp are a dwarf species and only get about 2" head to tail at full length.
IME (at least with my gold CBS) they'll be fine with other shrimp such as sexy shrimp, skunk cleaners, fires, and peps.


I've got a standard CBS in my tank with 3 Peppermint shrimp and they all seem to do fine. The CBS will chase the PS off if they get to close but nothing more than that. It'll do the same thing with my emerald crabs.


I have a coral banded, cleaner and about 3 pep shrimp in my 130 and have not had a single problem. My CBS is ALWAYS in the same spot. He likes to hang upside down on a flat rock that has about 3 escapes. I hope that helps.


thanks for the info.
gonna try to find a mated pair of gold cbs , what's the odds of a mated pair ending up in the bait bucket? probably the same odds as the long arm of the law watching.


I have a mated pair. When I first introduced them to my 75 gal tank they beat the crap out of my cleaner shrimp. The cleaner shrimp then grew back its missing parts. Then about 3 months later, the mated pair started beating the cleaner shrimp up again. They eventually killed it.
Then the mated pair beat up my mimic tang. The mimic tang is now back to normal, everything healed, but it steers clear of the mated pair. Then just a few days ago the mated pair turned their vengeance on my mandarin dragonet and shredded his tail. :mad: Trust me, the mated pair is not hungry, they are pigs. However, they are aggressive.
One cool thing, they make babies all the time. Every 6 weeks! They also fed eachother. I just hope my fish learn to stay clear of them.