Gold Stripe Maroon Clown evil?


i got the Gold Stripe Maroon Clown...
in the past 2 days.. 4 fish died.... and there's evidence of scars on the dead fish...
2 Clarkii Clown
2 firefish
anyone having the gold stripe as really aggressive too?
its doing no harm to a flame angel.. there is one more clarkie clown in the tank.. with one purple glow damsel


what kinda fish can i put with the gold stripe?
the gold stripe also killed 2 firefish... so does that mean its violent to all fishes?


Let's just say that the GSM clown I just got was specifically chosen for my new aggressive fish setup... It is naturally a more bold fish which could handle his own with the fish I have in there, i.e. lion, trigger, puffer, damsels. eel.


Active Member
my female GSM unsuccessfully attempted to feed a juvenile hippo tang to the anemone she was hosting, and she also successfully fed a bi-color pseudo to the same anemone. she spits rocks at me and nips me when i get to close to whatever she's hosting.


how did she feed it. also i have 2 there still young with a wrasee thats about full grown. well its a paddlefin wrasse and there scared of him but they will atk me makes no since when i protect them from the wrasse. cause when he wakes up in the morning he gos over and starts picking on both of them. but mine are all ok with fish being around them right now atleast. but i am getting ready to move. and im trying to figure out if i should keep them or take all my fish back and start over. but anyway they seem to be mean to fish smaller or the same size if there is a fish in there that gives them what they give out back then they seem to be a little more docile. when i first had the wrasse they chased him but the wrasse never got hurt and they seemed to stop being mean to him