Gold Stripe Maroon in Bubble Coral


Well i was sitting in front of my tank yesterday and was watching my fish... I have had a Gold stripe marroon clown for about 3-4 weeks he has always stayed near the top of the tank which was bothering me but, everbody i talked to said give him time he will come down and start hanging out all over ...well... Out of the blue he decides to come down and he keeps checking out my bubble coral. He maybe came down about 3 times in a matter of 5 minutes and boom... he loves the bubble coral its his " anemone " I was really excited because i was going to get a anemone for my next purchase here in the next few weeks.. Now... Is he going to hurt himself in the bubble coral or is he going to hurt the bubble coral..... He stayed in it all night even when it deflated down to nothing.. Has anyone ever had a experience like this? or do i just own a freak of nature... The bubble coral when fully expanded is about the size of a grapefruit and is peach in color...


I dont know much about clown/ anemone behaviors.. but hopefully soon i will! (getting my lights on thursday) My clownfish stayed behind one rock when I first introduced him to the tank. He stayed there for like 2 days solid, but now he is doing fine.


Active Member
Dont worrie he shouldnt hurt it or vise versa. Clowns "if an anemone isnt present" will host anything els. I have seen some strange stuff as clowns trying to host a feather duster. I have seen a clown that hosts a guys vegie clip "A thing that suction cups to the side of the tank to hold dried seaweed". If anything he will help it. When there is food he will bring some back and feed the coral. Clowns will try and host anything they can for protection "that includes many types of corals".


Somebody on this web-site very recently posted a photo of his/her clown hosting a...plastic cup!!! Literally. It was a great photo; there's a plastic cup and there's the clown sitting in it. According to the owner of the clown the fish spits out food into the cup, as if feeding his anemone. :hilarious


Hi!! mine LOVES his bubble coral...put it in and about a week later she made it her spot, the male of my pair LIVES under my magenic glass cleaner all night head down while sleeping is a is a pic of her hosting her bubble....match made in heaven...


both my percs sleep on top of my magcleaner as well. ive seen them checkin out my hammer a couple times, but no go yet


well, My Maroon was looking like crap last friday i think it is from the bubble coral, his fins were ripped looking and he had a few other marks on there... I know that it wasnt another fish.. i dont have any fish that come close to him he kinda bullies other fish so i was thinking it was caused from the bubble coral. So ... i went to my LFS and was hoping to buy a BTA but, they didnt have any all they had was LTA so i got that instead. After putting the Anemone in the tank it took all of 10 minutes for the Maroon clown to decide he is moving out of the Bubble coral and into the LTA. After a few days now his fins are coming back to normal and he is now attacking my hand whenever i put it in the tank... He is only about 2 inches long but i think he thinks he is about 2feet long the way he acts sometimes... Got to love em...


Yep he/she loves it. Somtimes but not often he will go back in the bubble coral for a few run throughs... but, then quikly returns to the Long Tenticle.