Gold Stripe Question...


Well I bought a large Gold Stripe Maroon about 3 months and a smaller one.. big one killed the smaller one so i read up about how to get them to coexist. So I bought a new one from the LFS the other day... still has the white stripes but i heard that they dont change until after a while. the guy at the LFS i am pretty good friends with and I asked him if it was a gold stripe or a normal maroon... he said it is a gold stripe and that i should just trust the genetics... i dunno exaclty when the stripes changed but i dont want to be wasting my time if it isnt a real GSM... can you please help me decide...

(bigger gold stripe)

(suppossed gold stripe)

as you can see by the pictures it isnt very large... maybe a little larger than an inch... the only thing ive noticed is that gold stripes tend to be darker than normal maroons in which this little one is fairly darker than the normal maroons ive seen... let me know what you think.. thanks for the help


sorry i cant help you with the identification but, how do you get 2 GSM to co exist i have one and had thought about trying to do that.


easier said than done... as you can see my large was is in the main tank... it is the dominant fish and runs it... the small gsm/maroon... is in a seperate container on the inner glass... during the time you let the smaller one out every once and a while, allowing it to get used to the tank and the larger gsm... the larger gsm will beat up on it and you have to be careful not to leave the little one in too long because the large one will kill it... but after a while they tend to get used to eachothers prescense and will form a pair... (luck usually)


Active Member
I dont think there is a guarantee that it will turn gold. Some are gold, some yellow and some stay white. I hope Im wrong for your sake. I think there the same spcs. and like dogs in a litter can have different colors and paterens from the same parents. I know the older clowns get the darker they turn and when they turn female they darken quicker.