in addition to my 180 fowlr I have a 30g reef with 2 mated pairs of clown.
A GSM pair and an ocellaris pair that paired themselves. The Osci's were in the tank first with a sebae anemeone that they ignored. It wasn't unitl I ordered a wild caught pair of gsm clowns who went directly to the long tentacle and set up house. The aquacultured osci's didn't know what an anemeone was for. The osci's took over the Ritteri/magnificent anemone and gsm pair still live in and protect the LT. So far no fighting. Sublte aggression when the gsm female wanders to the wrong side of the tank. Amidst all the softie corals in that tank they rarely see each other. The male gsm NEVER leaves more than a few inches away from home. Big mama roams the tank freely. The osci's has yet to decide who's gonna grow the womb. Amazing to observe this behavior. These fish are awesome. I found through my observation that clownfish are "born" to live in anemeones, it is learned behavior. My Osci's were afraid of all four- a Long tentacle, a sebae, a green bulb and the ritteri until the addition of the gsm pair. After a week of seeing the gsm pair enjoy the comfort of an anemone, now they began to do the same.