gold-striped maroons


Active Member
i just had a couple questions about gold-striped maroons. first, does anyone have any personal experiences with what type of anemones that they take to? i've seen that bubble tips are the most recommended but i have also read that clowns may take to anything and that they may not take to the norms either. second, if i got a smaller clown just like the one i have, is it true that one of them will change sexes to accomodate the reproduction cycle?


I beleive that the only natural host is the Bubble tip, but on rare ocasions they have been known to take to lta's or condi's


This site may help.
It has quite a bit of info on anemones and the clowns they host. BTA's are the only natural host anemone but sure some have had luck with them hosting other anemones. Don't be disappointed though if it does not work.
I have had a few perks that DID NOT take to my aneomes SO.... I saw a very pretty tomato one day at the LFS and he was MARRIED to this anenome.. So I bought them together....:D :D
Its so cool to have a clown fish that is always swimming around and in his anenome, kind of the Poster child for salt water tanks..LOLOL:)


Active Member
my gold striped maroon wouldnt host in my LTA forever. I put a condy in there and within 5 minutes he was taking a bath in the tentacles:rolleyes:


Active Member
if you introduce another maroon clown make sure it isat least half the size of the original one. The smaller one will become( if they arent all born male) male and the larger one will become female. You need to watch them closely for a couple weeks to make sure they dont kill each other but one day you will wake up and they will be swimming around together. Good luck


I bought a sebae for my GSM, but he never took to it. Two days after I added the sebae he started host my Bubble coral. :D


Active Member
MGS loves the sabae, so does the perc I have, each have their own, but share each others, but sleep in their own:)


ok, condis will never host clowns. atleast with my experience and research, i have never heard of a condi hosting any type of clown. this must be a rare situation that rarely happens. also, what do you mean but bubble anemones being the only natural host? sebaes maybe?:rolleyes:


i heard you dont need an anemone for gold stripe maroon clowns. is that true? i just bought one today


You don't need an anemone for any type of clowns. The clowns will be just fine without them. BTW, all clowns are non-sexual at birth. The dominate clown becomes the female and the second dominate become the male. Once a female, the clown will forever be a female. Once a male, the clown can change to a female if left by itself. Two female will fight to the death. Any other two clowns will likely fight possibly to the death. The best way IMO, to pair two GSM clowns is to start with a female (you will know by its size and color and the amount of time left by itself without any other maroon clowns.) When the female has adequately claim the tank as hers add a second, non-sexual clown juvenile that is at least half the size of the female, or smaller, and much brighter in color. Place the new clown in the tank with a safe area, such as a small crate that the new clown can enter to hide from the female, but the female cannot enter to attack the male. This will give the new clown time to adjust to the fact this tank belongs to the female. Once you release the new clown, the female will fight with it. Hopefully the new clown will quickly succumb to the female. This is evident by the shuddering that occures. Once this happens the two are on there way to being a pair. At this point make sure to not interrupt the process until it is complete, which may take months.
Good luck as it is sometimes very difficult to pair maroons, even though mine pair within a weekend with no problems.



Originally posted by vibe
excuse me, i mean rare situation that NEVER will happen.:)

Cboyfan said that his Gold stripe maroon hosted in a condy


i've had a GSM clown host in a condy, but CC star decided to eat the condy :( . i've had my GSM clown for about 4 yrs now. one of the best fish i've had. he/she has taken a liking to my bubble coral.


I would not agree with that, becuase although people have had thier clowns go into a condi, the chances of that happening are so slim, that it wouold not be a good idea to count the condi. As for the seabe, im not sure, but since i have a maroon clown, i have reasearched them alot, and all the info i found says that the bubbletip is their only natural host and is the only one that they take to regularly.


It is possible for a condi to host a clown, but only if its a big one such as maroon or tomato, otherwise the condi will eat it, so a cheap condi might work if u don't have corals or other anemones in the tank, the condi will kill them


If you really want a clown and anemone to host then play it safe and get a bta. Bta's are the more resilient anemones as well. Try to find one the is a clone or off-spring from another one so as to not take one from the sea. The clones are usually healthier and heartier.
Make sure to research the care of these before you buy, which I am sure you are already doing.