goldbar maroon clown question?

so i currently have a 100 gallon tank

-stars and stripe puffer
-yellow tang
-niger trigger
-blue jaw trigger
-whitemouth eel
-snowflake eel
they all seem to be ok with each other
question is i want to get a maroon clown. one of my friends friends is selling me his female XL goldbar maroon clownfish for $25.00
its almost the size of a baseball
!! is it worth it? will it be ok in the tank? it currently picks on his niger and his flame angel? will it be too aggressive?

cant see the other fish their hiding


my maroons do not damage any of my fish, but they will open their mouths and forcfully make fish leave their den by PUSHING them on their sides and it dosent matter what fish it is, if they dont want it there its outta here!, now if it was another clown in their den thats a diffrent story, they will rip it to shreads if it isnt introduced properly