Golden Angel


New Member
I purchased a golden angel from the LFS about 2 weeks ago. It never seemed to aclimate well and wouldnt eat. It died this morning. The LFS guy offered to give me another one or order me a different angel. I cant decide if I should try another golden angel or something different in my reef tank.
Any input would be appreciated


Active Member
Is this a new tank? Give some more details on your system. It may not have been necessarily something wrong with the angel, but rather the environment.
Tank size? How long has it been set up? other fish? Amount of live rock? Water parameters including pH, nitrate and salinity. Goldens are a bit touchy, in addition to being shy. Nice fish but personally I'd suggest something a bit hardier, again depending on the tank conditions.


New Member
The tank is 4 months old. Water parameters are all good 1.022 salinity, 8.0 ph, no amonia, no nitrite, no phosphates and very low nitrate. The tank is 75 gallons and there is a long nose butterfly, fairey wrasse, a yellow headed sleeper goby and about 75 to 80 lbs of live rock. I have a protein skimmer and a wet dry filter


Active Member
Give your tank at least another few months before adding any angel, they need stable tanks and established live rock to graze on.


personally? i would try the golden again.... its more rare then the rest.... and more expensive too