Golden Head Sleeper Question


Active Member
I absoulteley LOVE my GHS, but ALL i see him ever eat is sand sifted substrate. As far as I can see i do not see him suppliment his Diet with anything else. I have had him for about 2 months now and he looks perfectly healthy but I want to know if you think just sifting the sand and rock will be suffcient nutrition for him, or if anybody else has suppliments or ideas to get him to eat something else, my tank his been going on about a year and i have about 20lbs of live sand and probably 40lbs of FIJI LR.. Kind Regards


Active Member
Yes, many sleeper type gobies do starve after time in aquariums due to lack of proper foods. many systems just dont have enough live stuff in the sand for them to get enough and they quickly eat up whats there. Best to have a refugium to help and lots of healthy rock to resupply critters for the sand but still some times that only prolongs it, thats a good thing but eventualy still starve because there may not be a proper mixture of needed critters in the sand, many will learn to eat introduced meaty foods after time and best to feed a variety of these types of foods and hopefully the fish can live for a longer period.....


sleeper gobies, for the most part, will only get fed in your system by finding micro and macro inverts within your sandbed. pods from rock and/or a fuge will make up most of this. it is difficult to get any sand-sifting goby to eat prepared foods. that is why a good amount of rock and a fuge is recommended for keeping any sandsifter.


Active Member
I have a nicefuge,, that is really coming along,, with the chaeto, miracle mudd and i have introduced pods,, but there is also a little filter on the output of the fuge (to prevent micro bubbles from entering the show tank from the connected skimmer) How will having a fuge in theory help the survivial of a Sandsifting Goby? SHould i take the bubble eliminator off you think? Kind Regards!


Active Member
A properly construted sump/fuge should not allow bubbles to get to the pumps.or if the flow is too strong thru it...the critters living in the fuge can reproduce and not be ate, thus the name refuge.....the ones liveing safely in the fuge will produce eggs and laveas ect. that get transfered to the main tank to replenish the one getting eaten in the main tank.....a sponge or fiber type media that will trap the phyto and zooplankton befor it reaches the pumps is just defeating the purpose IMO...


Active Member
You can try shaking a piece of chaeto in the tank once a week or so and that will repopulate the DT with pods.


what kinds of foods have you tried feeding him? mine will only eat mysis. im not sure if it looks like a pod or what but he/she knows the diffrence.


Active Member
I have tried , Mysis shrimp soaked in garlic xtreme, frozen cyclopeeze. "the only thing my neon goby likes" and spectra, because it sinks and when it sinks, maybe he will ingest some when he sifts.. any other ideas?


he should eat what is left on the bottem but i dont think thats enough. have you tried Entice? its made just for fish that refuse to eat. that might get him eating misis. cyclopeeye might be too small but not sure.


Active Member
Thanks Sebae,, will try that ENTICE stuff as well,, I just fed my tank some spectra and I saw him SIFT OUT the spectra,, ha ha how ironic,, well ill keep trying, he is becoming my favorite fish because of all he does and unique personality! Regards!