Golden Puffer with tumor on his head


New Member
What causes this and will it get better? How should I treat this? He seems healthy overall. He eats very well and swims around very happy fish.
Check out the picture.



Has he bumped into or scratched himself recently? Describe how this started and please list your water parameters for us.


New Member
He has not bumped his head or injured himself. I have heard that people see this in puffers pretty often. I just got him yesterday from the lfs because they didn't think that anyone would buy him because of the growth. My water parameters are all good. I checked them yesterday before I put him in. I added some other fish at the same time.


Originally Posted by kimry1
He has not bumped his head or injured himself. I have heard that people see this in puffers pretty often. I just got him yesterday from the lfs because they didn't think that anyone would buy him because of the growth. My water parameters are all good. I checked them yesterday before I put him in. I added some other fish at the same time.
I take it that you did NOT qt him? I am sorry, but you knew he was ill and added him right in? It could be anything comming from the dealers tank, you don't know what stresses and terrible conditions he may have come from. Do you have a qt set up? If you do, pull him out and observe him for awhile!
Jeeze, I was just looking at the pics again, that could be anything from an infected bite from another puffer to a bacterial infection, It is never a good idea to buy a fish you already know may not be well.
Could you list your EXACT water parameters and how long this tank has been set up, also how big is your tank?


New Member
I took him because he wouldn't be able to find a home otherwise. I don't think that it's something that will spread to the other fish. These fish are selling for 250. I've seen other fish with the same problem.


Originally Posted by kimry1
I took him because he wouldn't be able to find a home otherwise. I don't think that it's something that will spread to the other fish. These fish are selling for 250. I've seen other fish with the same problem.
But you don't know what else he may be carrying. That is a sick fish. I commend you for saving him, but he should be qt'd, how about my other q's? What are your water parameters? That may be able to be treated with melafix in a qt, but we don't know what else he has. That is a white sore with red around it, which is most likely an infection. That means not only was he hurt, but the water conditions were not good because it got infected. He could be a carrier of other disease as well. This is why you QT fish, especially when you know they are not well to begin with.


New Member
The puffer's tumor on his head is almost completely gone. I will post some new pics soon. I'm not sure what caused it or why it went away..mystery to me.


if its disapearing then I hate to tell you that it wasnt a tumor and there is more than likely something else going on hopefully its not something that your other fish can come down with.
it would have been better to QT and treat before adding to the main tank so that there was no chance of that happening.


New Member
I realize that it was not a tumor. I just didnt know what else to call it at the time. I've seen other puffers with the same condition on this site.


Originally Posted by kimry1
The puffer's tumor on his head is almost completely gone. I will post some new pics soon. I'm not sure what caused it or why it went away..mystery to me.
I am happy to hear that he is doing better!!