goleden headed sleeper starving


New Member
Hey, lately i have been noticing that our sleeper goby is very thin. I see him sifting the sand, so i'm not sure whats going on? so i was wondering if their is anything else they eat, that i should try feeding him? Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks alot


Active Member
They are not a fish I would recommend...they generally sift the sandbed of all of your much needed infauna...and then they starve to death.
All I could possibly suggest is to try placing some sinking food in the area he usually sifts..and see if he may eat.


Active Member
They usually don't take prepared food, which is why they are listed as one of the fish we shouldn't try to keep.


have you tried mysis? I've had mine since June and it will eat anything I put in the tank...he and my ghost eel are always in the same hole and he will even go after the silversides I feed the eel! try different foods and soak it in Garlic...Good luck...they are cool fish...but make a MESS of your tank....if you don't have a turkey baster for your tank...get one now! hehe heres mine in its hole with the eel...