Golf equipment sold


Active Member
After nine months back in the aquarium hobby I finally sold off my last piece of golf equipment to some sucker who thinks he will actually be able to play the game at anywhere near an enjoyable level. 90 percent of people who take up golf never break a 100. With daily practice I was able to shoot a round in the nineties but after a couple of years of that its not really an enjoyable level of play either.
Some say this hobby can be frustrating at times. Ya right; try golf.
Some say this hobby is to expensive. Nah; during this time of year with rounds of golf at 40 to 80 bucks and at least two rounds a week needed to maintain your level of play, not to mention umpteen buckets of balls at the driving range.........I have saved money.
My blood pressure is also down and my doctor says I can stop taking those 80 dollar a month

too :joy:


golf is not a game for people that cant handle a constant challenge. it's a very difficult game, but that makes it very rewarding. really though, from a "sucker" to a "hacker" thanks for freeing up one more tee time and no longer slowing down play. us able, low handicap golfers salute you!


Lol...I broke 90 my second season into golf! Breaking 100/90 is easy try breaking 80. I've been golfing 6 years now and shoot low 80's to low 90's from the back tees consistenetly. Can't seem to get it into the 70's yet......


Active Member
In ancient Ireland when men would curse and beat at the ground with sticks, they called it "Witchcraft."
Today, they call it "Golf."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
In ancient Ireland when men would curse and beat at the ground with sticks, they called it "Witchcraft."
Today, they call it "Golf."

Now that's
funny!! :hilarious


Active Member
That is a good one mimz and one I had not heard before.
I should have bragged a bit in the original post because I did get one trophy during my golf career. It was the Navel Academies award for most four letter words used in a one hour period. I think I may have even invented a few new ones while I was out there.