Golfish... How much juice you pulling...


Since we live so close to each other I wanted to ask you how much you think your tank costs to run (electricity) every month. I want to step up to a bigger tank (MUCH like yours - it's the coolest everyone). But the one I am planning out looks like it will pull about 25-30 amps while everything is running. Just afraid of the DWP bill...


My Winter electric bill used to be abour $40. Now that I have the hot tub, it's $140/month. With my 75 gallon coming up on line this Christmas, I'm afraid, very afraid.


In that confusing post, I was addressing Buzz on the second line. He was the one that was curious too... Sorry for the confusion.
The rest of yall... I think the rest of the U.S. is a "little" bit cheaper on juice than us suckers in So. Cali...

sal t. nutz

Man, I was gonna put 440 watts of VHO over my 300 gallon, just becasue I like the tank bright. I have no plans to keep anything requiring that much light, I just like the look. But after hearing this, I may have to go with NO lighting.


Sal T. go with the 440 watts of VHO and run it from a Icecap 660 they are so efishent you won't even notice it in you electric bill.


MUhahaha, it's nice to live in Texas, where energy is cheap. My electric bill is only $185/month, and I have a 200gal, 100gal, 90gal, 30gal, 20gal, 10gal, and a 125gal housing 2 3-foot iguanas with lots of UV lamps, heating stones, and an ultrasonic fogger. ;)


Not really, when you consider how much power drain htere is in that 450 gallons of aquarium, the reptile lights, all my appliances are electric, including stove, oven, water heater, washer/dryer, the fact that there are only about 4 hours a day when nobody is awake I use a lot of electricity...


Active Member
I meant golfish' bill...but you have a lot too.
It may not be much for what is running, but it's still a lot of cash...


Im not sure what my reef is costing me per month exactly because it came on-line around the same time it was hot enough to start using the AC. I just wish I had such a small bill. My last two were 421.00 and 420.00. The biggest culprit is the AC unit itself. I cant get the owner of the house to replace the damn thing(we rent). I had the same kinda electric bill all last summer as well. It really sucks when I pay almost as much for electricity and gas as I do for rent. :(


HOLY!!!!! My goodness, do know that you can have an AC tech. come over and inspect it, and if there is anything wrong with it, the landlord is legally require to have it fixed within 7 days, right? With an electric bill that high, SOMEthing has got to be wrong somewhere...


Ive threatened him with that and he will ammuse me by sending someone to charge it and service it. The problem is that it is (i'm guessing here) 30-35 years old and is just flat wore out. It needs replaced badly. I REALLY dont like paying that bill, but thats what it takes to keep my family and my reef creatures happy all summer.
We are looking at a house to buy right now and I hope it works out. I'd end up saving a LOT more money in the long run. Oh and the wife has given me permission for a bigger community tank too since we will have the added room. :D


Hell, with a house, you'd probably pay less in rent/

right now than your current elec. bill. lol Then you'd have plenty of money for that new tank. ;)


Originally posted by tjkohler
My Winter electric bill used to be abour $40. Now that I have the hot tub, it's $140/month. .
What size spa? I was figuring a 4-5 person @375g would inrease mine to be @ $30 a month more. But it would or is suppose to be very effiecent.$$$]


Nine is supposed to be a 6 person tub. I'd let it be 6 people if the other 5 were women, but I don't like it when it's 3 couples. It's really more of a 4-5 person. I live in Michigan so the bill is really the heating of it that affects the cost of it more.