Gone for a week?



With thanksgiving coming up, it reminded me that I might leave my tank for about 2 weeks during christmas.
Has anyone used those 7 day feeders you drop into the tank and they diffuse food as the block dissolves over 7 days? If so, do they float or sink. Im worried if they float, that they'll get caught in the overflow and my fish won't get any food at all.


Active Member
We leave for 10 days every summer. With timers and an auto feeder and a neighbor that pops in we do great. I don't think the drop ins are for SW are they? Not sure. Our feeder is a digital that we attatch to the top. Once a day it spreads any amount you want of flake. Our neighbor checks for evap/top off and gives are clown a piece of shrimp to give his anemone and a piece of shrimp to our CC star. The tank needs a little cleaning when we get home, but other than that its great. :)


Well-Known Member
two weeks seems to be pushing it but I have always just left the the holidays and came back to fish that were glad to seem me. But then my setups have always been simple. That may not work with the refugium I added this year for instance.


Buy one of the battery powered digital feeders. They work with flake and/or pellets. I've left my tank for up to 2 weeks before and everything was fine. You just gotta have someone to add topoff water for you, and leave them with a phone number to call if there is a big problem!


Active Member
I used the 7 day tablets with freash water. They don't work.
They disolve all at once. As stated above, food feeders are the best and make a top off or have someone do it for you.

i like fish

Get someone you trust and start educating them now. There is a lot more to do than feed fish.
Write out exactly what, how and when you dose into your tank, along with top-off water instructions.
Even seperate it into small containers to make it easier on them.
Someone needs to know what to in case of equipment failure as well.
The list could go on from here, but those are the main things I can think of now.
Have a nice trip :)