goneopora species id?


i bought this coral as alveopora 6-8 mos. ago., though it is either a branching species of goneopora or something completely different. can anyone id it? it has 24 tentacles per polyp and a branching corallum.


thanks DVS, but I was hopin that someone could help me a little more specifically or direct me towards where I could look. have you seen one of these before?

nm reef

Active Member
There are numerous types and colorations of goniporas...yours appears to be a branching type very much like one I had a few years ago.Mine was about the same color. As with most goniopora it eventually withered away and is now nothing more than a skeleton. I also had a encrusting type with about the same coloration as yours...it survived much longer but it also is no longer alive. As a rule they seem to wither away due to starvation...in the wild they may feed off of high concentrations of phytoplankton and small zooplankton...conditions that are not normally maintained in our reefs.:thinking:


the worlds smallest underwater record player begins to play it's sad sad song. anyway, i believe its daily blastings of concentrated phyto/zooplankton will prolong it's suffering and beauty.