Goniopora closed since yesterday - bad news??


Active Member
My goniopora didn't open fully yesterday like it usually does. Then I came home from work and the entire colony was sucked down inside it's skeleton. My parameters are all fine. And all my other coral are fine. Do you think this is a sign of bad news to come?


Active Member
Yeah, sorry, one day they are good, next day, they just die. My lfs calls them and elegance corals rent a coral cause of their dismal survival rate.


Originally Posted by Hefner413
man! so they're probaby gone? any tips for saving??
Just wait couple more days....Mine closed over the weekend and on monday same thing, I thought it was dead and than yesterday it opened fully again...


Active Member
Well, it was FULL on monday, then half full on tuesday, then closed yesterday entirely, and now it's very slightly open today. Any help with what it looks like? Is it trying to keep living or is it dying???


Try to feed some food and also move around the tank and see if helps.....Try your best to save it, I know it will recover, good thoughts


Active Member
It's looking much better today. All are out. They are no where near fully extended, but I'm going to try to entice them out with some food.


Active Member
Well, here's an update! The goniopora is doing great, it seems!
It has closed up once since the initial scare. It shrinks up during the night, but it always opens fully when the lights go on in the evening.
Here's a pic:


Active Member
There is a site you may want to check out. since they don't sell anything I think it is ok to say it. Goniopora.com. Lots of interesting info.


Active Member
what are the best supplements for a goniopora? Im reading alot about recommended foods (I just got my goni. on friday)- but not alot of info on supplements needed


Active Member
I'm not sure what is best for it. Goniopora.org does have a bit about them. Here's a link for feeding - it's very, very specific - maybe even too much: http://www.goniopora.org/feeding.htm
I started supplementing Marine Snow (phytoplankton made by "Two Little Fishes") when I got mine.