It would be fine under that lighting. I have a red, 2 purples and a green goniopora in my 155. They've been under PC's, T5's and now they're under Halides. They like medium strong lighting, so under T5's in a 30G, you'll be fine. I have found that they do best in the sand, but you need to be careful that they stay on top of the sand and the sides don't get buried in any way (from fish, flow or snails). If the sides get buried, it will cause die off in that area. I have a ton of nassarius snails that like to bury mine, so they're all up on rock ledges and do just fine. Medium flow does best. My purples tend to prefer a slightly less flow than my green does, and the red doesn't seem to care what I do to it.
Put them in a spot where they won't fall and you won't hvave to touch them often. If they fall, they're dead 90% of the time. They're skeleton is very fragile and I've seen many people crush them just trying to move them.