gonna hypo salinity the entire tank!!


Active Member
well guess it would be easier to do.. i'm goin to take out all the inverts and lr.....
its a 70 gallon w/ a hippo, sailfin, 2 percs, 2 gobies......
the hippo had a small amount of ich which was coming and going, but now the sailfin has it! so i think its time to do this b4 my fish die....so 6 weeks will be enough time in hypo?
any tips or help w/ this please help,
thanx guys
also... does ich come back all the time? my levels were all perfect, i guess introducing new fish may stress them.... i mean will this be a thing i do often, or is it not predictible?


Staff member
Please take a look at the post in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.
Do you have a refractormeter?


Active Member
no :scared:
gonna do it w/o one for now... just gonna drop the salt very slow... and try to pick one up


Active Member
i'm doin 2 gallons every couple hrs till sat morning....
then i leave it at that level right in hypo for 3 weeks? i also want to add my last fish in this process which will be a flame angel... that way i can add eveything back and hopefully this will not happen again!


Active Member
right now i'm using two crappy hydro meters... been doin it very slow, i'll be looking for a good one tonight/tomorrow


Active Member
so, if you treat the tank for ich and wait 4-6 weeks..... ich will never return if i don't add any new fish?


Active Member
so, i lost my sailfin, wierd, took like a day for him... my hippo is alive along w/ the others...
now does ick get bigger and look like cotton when its about to die? thats what it looks like now.............