

Active Member
I hope you have researched them. Not an easy coral to keep for very long for most. Also known as Flowerpots. Search the board for threads on them, I know some have posted how they have cared for theirs befor.


Active Member
a very difficult coral to keep because of its feeding habits. it loves to eat pepermint shrimp eggs and other larval things. im not sure the exact size of pepermint shrimp eggs, so you will have to look for that, and then see whats going on. when it feeds, a flower will close with a piece of food inside, but make sure the arms dont retract. that is a defence and means you are spraying it too hard with a pipette or whatever you are feeding. very difficult and its needs a lot of attentions and feedings.


Active Member
There was a great article from reef keeping on the efficacy of DT oyster eggs and goniopora.
I tried, I failed. Felt terrible about it.
A very hard coral to keep.
Good Luck!


I've got one. Had mine for a couple of months. There is a gonio guru here. Look for John Kelly. That's his user name. Everything your reading is true. Very difficult to keep but some are having pretty good results. I've got mine under pc lighting, medium flow, and feed it about every other day frozen cyclopeeze and the cyclopeeze juices. DT's oyster eggs are also good. Here's mine feeding. Good luck.



Active Member
Make sure you search for "goniopora", not "gonopora", which is a mispelling.
Searching for "flowerpot" will also bring up a few threads.

john kelly

The water flow looks a little strong on it in your picture; it appears healthy though :). It looks like you have it lower in your tank, which is good when using metal halide. Mash some frozen cyclopeeze real good in a bowl and target feed the coral with it. Don't water it down too much though. You can add in some DT's oyster eggs too. Also, if you take some raw shrimp or mysis/brine shrimp and very finely shave some of it off while it is still frozen, you can mash that in with your cyclopeeze. It usually takes a few feedings before the coral gets used to being fed. Like rev said, feed every other day/every third day.


New Member
I have the same one as you! I have had it for 3 months and it is doing very well. The mysis shrimp works for me. It seems to eat it before my eyes. I have also read that they are hard to keep, but I really enjoy mine! I love the way it opens and closes every day. Good luck with yours!