Good 2nd coral

I currently only have 1 leather polyp, 2 clowns, 1 cleaner shrimp and a number of hermits and snails. I would like to add another coral next week. Possibly ricordea or colt coral.
Does anyone have any suggestions on a good hardy species?
Could I get away with adding 2 at once?


Active Member
Yeah my colt is really huge I have fragged it now i have two really big colts. The biggest one is splitting so I will have three in my tank now.


Active Member
I have a small branch coming out of the base of my colt coral and I was thinking of fraggin it. I know there are a bunch of threads about fraggin corals but I was wondering if there is anything different I need to do. Most fragging posts I've seen regard shrooms so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
The hardest part I find is attaching the base of the fresh cut frag to a rock. If it is not hold in place securely it can come loose. Other than that it's fairly easy because colt coral is very hardy. HTH


Active Member
I have used the toothpick method and the frag just got sweep away by the current. It may have been my fault partly because of minor misjudgement. Size of frag, location and # of toothpicks used. I agree that the tooth pick is the way to go if done right.