Good aquarium salt for reef tank?


Active Member
my tank is going through a red slime algae phase and i talked to the lfs and they asked about my salt and i told them i'm using instant ocean and she said don't use that because even thought it says it doesn't contain phosphates and nitrates, that some of the salts really do. so what should i use? what salts are you all using and how do you like 'em? Let me know....thanks


Active Member
What are you using as your source water? Even if the salts contain a little bit of phosphates or nitrates, it's likely not enough to be the root of a nuisance algae outbreak.
In my experience, I've had nuisance algae problems using a variety of salts, and didn't start to see those problems go away until I started using RO/DI a few years ago.
I used Instant Ocean for years (with trials of Coralife and Reef Crystals mixed in) and switched to Oceanic shortly after it was released. Both salts have provided me with similar results, except that Oceanic has a higher calcium and magnesium content. I have had no problems with either line of salt and use them interchangably (whichever brand is cheaper is the one I purchase).


Active Member
i use filtered water using my brita filter, i can't afford a ro/di unit right now. i've always used this water and this salt with no problems and now all of a sudden i have a red slime issue, i think it's more than the salt though.


brita's suck. use distilled water rather than brita. brita only takes out chlorine and other additives that humans put in, but it keeps the copper and junk in there. btw always used instant ocean and reef crystals, and never had any problems, at leastmnot from salt mix anyway.


Active Member
about 10 hours a day. actinics for about 10, and 10K's for about 8. i tried no lights for a day and that didn't help at all. i heard a guy left his off for 3 days and it cleared up completely.

the claw

Active Member
I've used mostly Instant Ocean and I have Never had that problem. I had one problem a year or more back when they sent out a bad batch that caused some serious alkalinity problems, but it was one batch.


Active Member
thats ok MATTTAMAR, but i heard that only fish stores that are out to make a quick buck will sell you that salt. hope that wasnt ur case :rolleyes: