good beginner corals?


I want to get into corals maybe in the next few months once i switch out my lighting. I was wondering, what are good corals to start with for someone who has never had them?


New Member
I started with ricordia & now Im getting ready to get some zoos. From what I have read & searched on this forum & others, those are the 2 to start with but Im sure there are others. Kim


thank you! i've been doing some research lately so i get well aquainted with corals before i get any. I just got through figuring out what types of lights i'm going to have to get, and now im starting in on the types of corals


star polyps are prob the easiest and fastest growing, mushrooms, zoas, xenia. those are prob the easiest. you could get away with rics, some leathers, and some LPS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by catfishcity
star polyps are prob the easiest and fastest growing, mushrooms, zoas, xenia. those are prob the easiest. you could get away with rics, some leathers, and some LPS.
I started with these last year and the zoas, xenias and Kenyas are taking over my entire 125g tank. That's a good thing. I have them under a 216w T5 HO and a 40w standard single daylight florescent bulb. I have a 250w MH, but everything is growing so much (including some hitchhiker acropora) I haven't installed it.


Well-Known Member

You know there are some really pretty corals that do not require light at all. So you wouldn't even have to upgrade. It's just a is a small list, and the colors I have seen personally:
  • Gagorians (reds, blues, yellows and purples)
  • Chili coral (bright red w/white star flowers)
  • Sponges ( not a coral but needs no light, and just as cool...all kinds of colors...blues, yellows, orange and purple)
    Sea fans (yellow and purple)
    carnations (white and red, orange)
Purple feather duster clusters look like coral but are small little dusters, really beautiful.
This is a really short list, they are the ones I put in caves in my tank. There are lots more besides. Like I said...just thought.