Good Butterflies for a 90 gallon butterfly aquarium


Active Member
But you have a stock list in another thread. Why don't you post that here, so we can share opinions on the fish you would like to have, and whether they would work? I think that would be more productive.


Originally Posted by Seattle
I'm not asking for advice i'm asking about which butterflies should I get and you are all saying butterflies in general,I didn't want that at all!
The topic of this tread is
"Good butterflies for a 90 gallon" That is pretty general. It is quite clear that you are going to do what you want no matter what anyone says and that you are looking for "rare" butterflies. Butterflies have a general rule; They do NOT do well in unestablished systems. That applies to the heartiest of butterflies, let alone those that are rare which usually require more diligent care.


Active Member
This is what I think I might put in a 90-gal I'm getting any day now.
2 Clownfish
Blue Tang
Fremblii Bluestripe Butterfly
Xantharus Cream Angel
Coral Trunkfish I think is it's name*looks like a brown version of a Copperband Butterfly* or a Black,Yellow,Or Purple Tang
Threadfin Butterfly
4-Wheel Drive Goby
Semivalrus Butterfly
Very Longnose Butterfly
Copperband Butterfly
Coral Beauty
Six-Line Wrasse
FOWLR may take a few off or switch Probley 4 or 5 nah 15 fish is good espeically if some make no bioload*4-wheel-Drive*
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From another post, this is Seattle's wish list. Now we actually have some fish to productively discuss! Let's get some info and thoughts out here.
I personally think this is a big problem waiting to happen. Many butterflyfish do not like close quarters with others, unless you subscribe to the "overstock the tank so much that they will be too stressed to behave normally" idea, which many do. That is a personal choice, but I hope you are ready for a lot of disease, and a lot of money wasted. This is an unlimited pocket book situation as well.
Is this, BTW, a standard 90g which is a 4 foot long tank?


Active Member
2 Clownfish
4-Wheel Drive Goby
Pick ONE of the Butterflies you have on the list.
Coral Beauty
Six-Line Wrasse
None of the tangs you have chosen.
Tangs in 90g agreement: Scopus: Kole:
But again, this is just an opinion.
I have a 135g, and not that many fish, no where near the amount you have. You have to keep in mind the size in which they are going to get, not the size in which you have bought. Now, you have something to go on. You do however have many choices you can make on other fish, just not the ones in which you have in mind.


Originally Posted by ophiura
From another post, this is Seattle's wish list. Now we actually have some fish to productively discuss! Let's get some info and thoughts out here.
I personally think this is a big problem waiting to happen. Many butterflyfish do not like close quarters with others, unless you subscribe to the "overstock the tank so much that they will be too stressed to behave normally" idea, which many do. That is a personal choice, but I hope you are ready for a lot of disease, and a lot of money wasted. This is an unlimited pocket book situation as well.
Is this, BTW, a standard 90g which is a 4 foot long tank?
That most certainly is a recipee for disaster. Seattle, we are not out to ruin your good time, we are here to help you make wise decisions for your tank. You have awhile to wait before you can get anything anyway, please think long and hard before making foolish purchases.