Good bye


Originally Posted by Olga
Thank you for your assurance, I will leave it for another two weeks, and see if its start to improve. Its just so frustrating when don't see any. I don't want to convert it to freshwater either, especially after investing so much time and expense in it. But I lost my hope now.
Its definitely not cloudiness from the sand. I know that "type of cloudiness" when I vacuum sand. its settles down after few hours.
Its not bubbles from protein skimmer also. Its use to blow bubbles. Now its adjusted to perfection and hardly makes any bubbles. However its only was working like that for a last 10 days, and only now started to collect skimmate. it was not adjusted right before.
Two power heads close to the surface and does not blow sand either, just an air.
I also done 40% water change 2 days ago with RO water. It did got more transparent, then started to deteriorate again next day. Also I fed my fish during last 2 weeks, once a week, and even then very little. Maeistero, you are right about UK shops, and I even don't live in London where suppose to be all experts are. I live in the wild province, lol. Here is my set up.
55 GL Rena tank
Rena XP3 filter
Rena XP2 filter (both with lots of media)
2 powerheads
RS Prizm protein slimmer
25LB of LR
3 black mollies
2 little clowns
2 little damsels
1 redlip blenny
12 turbo snails
10 blue leg crabs
Posting a picture of my tank which was taken 10 min ago
What kind of salt are you using in your tank? If your not using aquarium salt, then that could be your problem.


Thank you for all your responses. I will try to answer everybody.
Dogstar: I got my LR from reputable Aquatic center, and it was cured. I did expected that it will create cloudiness, but not for that long and not to that extent. I will remove "fake" corals, not that I think that contribute to the problem, but they look horrible anyway, lol
Tinyreef-thanks for link to the site. I will have a look later.
PChromis. Yes, I do have activated carbon and quite a lot of it in both of my filters. As well as other media: various pads, sponges, Biochem, Polyfilter, ceramic rings, Phosban, filter floss. I can't stuff more into it now, lol
SWlover-I did had a look for TechoFlo filter on the web, unfortunately I can't find UK supplier.:(
Beth, I lost the count, how many bottles of various water clarifies I used, as I throw empty bottles away now and don't remember names. Clarifier by Seachem was one of them. None one of them helped. I lost any hope in them now, I think I even overdone it also with all this various treatments, which promise to make your water sparkling clear.
Maeistero. I do heat water with two heaters before I put it in the tank. I also mix salt two days before I adding new water to the tank. I can't get rid of the mollies. I know they are messy fish, but my "fish shop" does not want them (not the ones who was converted from freshwater to salt to help it cycle) So, I after keep them. I suppose I can convert them back to freshwater and put them in my freshwater tank (which is perfect). Unfortunately its enough fish there, and I don't want to over stock it.
I will try your suggestions regarding LR, and see if my water start to clear after I will take it out.
I wanted to buy more "cleaning crew" but staff in the shop misadvised me to do so, before I clean water cloudiness. Also I was not sure myself, as at that point, I want to give up this hobby, and small crabs not the easiest creatures to find, if you want to dismantle tank, lol
WilsonReef: I will respond to you in few min.


Originally Posted by wilsonreef
O.K. my sand suggestions and micro bubbles didn't work....dang it.. Let's look at your filtration. Check to make sure your water volume is still pretty good. Do you have something to "catch" the big particles of deitrus like a prefilter inside your existing filter. If not try putting something ahead of your filter cartridges to catch the big stuff. Are you using carbon? I use it 24/7 . I have two emperor 400 filters (HOB) on a 75 gallon. This is a little overkill but my water is crystal clear. I'm not saying you need two filters just giving you a little history of my tank. Before you go buying any more accessories try to find out why yours isn't working. But don't give up yet....I still think that the filters may be the problem. I thought you may have been overfeeding but in a earlier post you said once a week, and that's not too much. Look at your filters and try the filter media if not using it already. My emperor's have two cartridges in each side of each one. The two in the back (where the water comes in from the aquarium) have the blue filter media on the outside with a little carbon in them, the two in front of the filters are refillable I put extra carbon and phosguard in them. The phosguard helps control phosphates which attribute to algae. Keep us informed and if none of these works let us know and we will try something else... :thinking:
WilsonReef: I do run two filters too now (Rena XP2 and RenaXP3), which according to people in the Aquatic center is overkill too. Also two powerful powerheads (one of then with defuser) and little HVdor aeration pump with a light on the bottom of the tank.
I do think filters working ok. Water coming from the tubes in the full volume, as well as filter media and pads are very dirty, and it lots of muck come out of them when you wash it. The dirt particles: usually brown color (like a rust). I am not sure if its "my water" or its because I used lots of water clarifies, and some of them are brown in color, and it came from them. Also thre is 2 sponge sleeve filters on the tubes of the filter which sucking water in.
Regarding my filter media- its in response above. I also have a phosban in one of filters to act as phosguard. Water parameters was good today (for some reason they always are), apart of the first 2 weeks when tank was established and ironically so water was crystal clear then.
Fishrule: I am using Reef Crystals.
My sister today gave me the most ridiculous advise: to put a cup of holy water in the tank. (if only god can help me now!) Thats what I did, lol I don't kow what else I can do. Maybe I am doing to much, and thats the problem and I should just leave it, as other sugested. But I do want it to work, desparately!


Please try to be patient a little longer, and keep us informed. Try letting the system work for a few days. you said that there was a lot of muck on your filters. Try to clean them frequently, this is a sign that your filters are doing their job. I don't know if there was mention of this earlier but what is on the bottom of your tank? I'm thinking a sand bed. If so where did you get your substrate and what was your substrate? Could it be possible that it was pretty dirty to begin with? Just another one of my hunches...


Originally Posted by wilsonreef
Please try to be patient a little longer, and keep us informed. Try letting the system work for a few days. you said that there was a lot of muck on your filters. Try to clean them frequently, this is a sign that your filters are doing their job. I don't know if there was mention of this earlier but what is on the bottom of your tank? I'm thinking a sand bed. If so where did you get your substrate and what was your substrate? Could it be possible that it was pretty dirty to begin with? Just another one of my hunches...
Carl, my substrate its not a Life Sand. Its just a sand for marine tank, which I was advised to buy in the "fish shop". It was one of the most expencive, (apart of coral sand). Its quite coarse and it is mixed with some coral sand, (I think), because its some very little broke shells and other interesting "sea" leftovers thingies in it.
I did wash it properly before put it in, when I was establishing tank. Water was very cloudy at the start, (milky cloudy) then it settled and become very clear after 3-4 days.
It started to go cloudy after about 3 weeks, after I added LR and clowns and damsels in it. I had a lots of algae as well. All over tank windows, rocks, decorations filter tubes, etc. I just washed it, scrubbed it. (in a very weak water with a bleach). Then it passed, and its not that much of it now, as it was before.
I still have an algae now, but nothing as vast as I seen pictures as other people described on this forum. I think its normal. Or at least its not dreadful!
I ve seen many tanks in Aquatic shops with lots of bubbles going from various pumps and aeration systems. But tanks still looks clear, and bubbles not disturbing anything, or causing cloudiness, just adding "ambiance" :). They are just very nice, transparent little bubbles in a clear water! (sorry, English not my first language as you can see).


Originally Posted by mystic7
Let me know so I can take a shower and do a water change ;-)
Skip the Perugen, it didn't work for me. Your water has to be clear to begin with and it will "polish" it but won't take care of the cloudiness you're experiencing.
I forget who said it but someone pointed out micro bubbles, which was a major source of my problem, and having a powerhead blow up dust from your substrate. Those sound like two very good possibilities.
Mystic! I only wish that micro-bubbles was the problem of my cloudiness.
BTW: regarding your "mistress offer", if you give me your mail address, I will sent you link to my website, and you will very quickly going change your mind! lol.
Is your Xenia still pulsating? ;-)


Thank you so much everybody, as well to all people who mailed me privately. Please ignore my "good bye", I am staying and going to bore you a bit for a longer. :joy:
As you can see from the picture water is not cloudy anymore, and almost close to perfect transparency. (compare it with a picture I posted originally at the beginning of the thread)
I have not done anything drastic since, as I was advised by some people here. I just left it and waited patiently. The only things I done since, is: switching the lights off, changing about 20% of water (once) as well as adding some holly water, lol and thats it.
Just a little question: I've read a lots about ick, and started to get a bit paranoid about it, even my fish does not show it. Would it harm, if I will feed fish with some liquidised garlic mixed with usual food (mysis, shrimps). As they said: "prevention is better then cure". Or better follow: "do not fix it, if its not broken"?
Thank you so much again, everybody. I will try to answer all people who mailed me, as soon as possible.



Originally Posted by Olga
Thank you so much everybody, as well to all people who mailed me privately. Please ignore my "good bye", I am staying and going to bore you a bit for a longer. :joy:
As you can see from the picture water is not cloudy anymore, and almost close to perfect transparency. (compare it with a picture I posted originally at the beginning of the thread)
I have not done anything drastic since, as I was advised by some people here. I just left it and waited patiently. The only things I done since, is: switching the lights off, changing about 20% of water (once) as well as adding some holly water, lol and thats it.
Just a little question: I've read a lots about ick, and started to get a bit paranoid about it, even my fish does not show it. Would it harm, if I will feed fish with some liquidised garlic mixed with usual food (mysis, shrimps). As they said: "prevention is better then cure". Or better follow: "do not fix it, if its not broken"?
Thank you so much again, everybody. I will try to answer all people who mailed me, as soon as possible.

Glade to help
Keep on reefin


It was most likely a bacterial bloom. As you just started a new tank and appx 3 wks later it got cloudy. Thats my .02
If it ever gets cloudy again you can use either a micron filter cartridge (good) or a diatom filter(better) BUT the diatom filter needs to be used only for VERY VERY VERY short times(Only used to polish the water as it will clog very quickly.)
Glad to see you waited it out.

dr. evil

looks like that holy water did the trick lol. and congrats on your tank clearing up as well and its good to see you didnt give up. as for the ick question if your fish are not sick leave them alone and do not treat your fish for ick unless you have a hospital tank to put your fish in otherwise you will kill your liverock. P.S. i'm going to get some holy water


Originally Posted by Olga
Mystic! I only wish that micro-bubbles was the problem of my cloudiness.
BTW: regarding your "mistress offer", if you give me your mail address, I will sent you link to my website, and you will very quickly going change your mind! lol.
Is your Xenia still pulsating? ;-)
No, but I have a feeling it will be after I check out your website

My email address is I never use it so I don't care if it gets spammed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Olga
PChromis. Yes, I do have activated carbon and quite a lot of it in both of my filters. As well as other media: various pads, sponges, Biochem, Polyfilter, ceramic rings, Phosban, filter floss. I can't stuff more into it now, lol
Excuse me if this sounds abrupt,as I have'nt posted to help..and did'nt read every word posted.Actually I read up until this quote. This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.All these pads sponges..etc are not necessary and may become a source of nitrates if you are'nt careful. I suggest that you add some more cured LR to your tank over the next several months. This can be done in small increments..10 or so LBs at a time.Once you have at least 60-75 Lbs you can begin to remove some of this media.The LR will filter the water for you. Carbon is clear the water..but it exhausts very rapidly and should be removed or changed it can leech what it has removed back into the tank. Did you have a PO4 problem,that you are using Phosban?

dr. evil

Originally Posted by mystic7
No, but I have a feeling it will be after I check out your website

My email address is I never use it so I don't care if it gets spammed.
are we still talking about fishtanks? :thinking:


Well, I'm glad to hear everything is turning out o.k. and your not leaving the hobby. I think you'll be glad you didn't..... As always, if you have problems feel free to give the message boards a call. We love to help even if were not always right. Keep us informed how things are going with you and your tank...and welcome back.


Originally Posted by Olga
I've tried and now I give up. I took almost every advise from this thread to clean cloudy water in my tank, bought tons of equipment, changed 70% of water with RO. Its getting cleaner for a day, then next day its cloudy again. I could be more patient if I seen some little improvement, but its not happening.

I think I done everything I could. I am taking my fish and LR back to the shop and will convert tank to freshwater.
Thanks again for taking your time to post suggestions, it was a great pleasure to communicate with you.
hmmm. whats your address, ill come over with a bottle of wine, i mean ill come over with my test bottles