Good CHoices or no


I have started my list of fish i would like... I need help from people with experiances with these fish.. and what might go good with each other... I will also have like your basic clean up crew and one day some corals and a couple starfish... can anyone help me pick out the best from my list.. I have a 75 gallon and I need to start reserching somewhere...
Flame Angel
Royal Gramma
Ocellaris Clownfish (2 1m-1f)
Blue Green Chromis (5-8)
Onespot Foxface
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Filamented Flasher Wrasse
Bellus Angel / Female
Green Mandarinfish ( I know it will be along while before i can get this one)
Chevron Tang


Active Member
18 fish in a 75 is will have to take a few off the list. First, only one angel in a tank this size so I would recommend the female Bellus since they are'nt a threat to corals like the flame. Unless you think there is no way you will eventually want to make this a reef. Take all those chromis off..they are just damsels, and will eventually pick each other off. Choose which wrasse you like best..or scratch them if you really want a mandarin. A wrasse will outcompete a mandarin for pods. I would recommend a tang in the bristletooth family over a chevron. Chevron's are beautiful when small, but as they mature they lose their color. They are also more bold and require more swimming room than a Kole or Tomini.


thanks for the info.. i knew that was too many fish... its just a list of the fish i like... but since aperantely nothing i like will go good in a 75 who know what i will end up with... i just dont want the same dang fish that everyone else has... i wanted something diffrent. I wanted a showpiece like centerpeice. I wanted a small school of something... and i want reef safe ( oneday i will have corals) and then i just wanted a couple clowns (hubby likes them) and after that i am not sure what else to but in there. I really dont want a tang... but i think the chevoron is marvelous. lol... any other suggestions on fish


Active Member
The Flame should be add only well after the tank has become established by age...may be a problem w/ corals, all the others should be safe w/ corals
Royal Grammas are very territoral and in smaller tanks can be a problem stressing other grazing/cruzeing type fish
2 O. clowns are fine
A small school of BG chromis is fine but not 8, imo only 3, I have had my school of BGs for 5 years and they have not " picked each other off "
Foxface also need a mature system but for long term, a 75g is a bit on the small side of big enough
Dont mix Flashers species but a male and couple females is fine
The Bellus is a great fish but gets 7 inches and also 75g is too small
Manderine....well only if you can keep it fed
Chevron is a bristletooth, but I would not recomend one for a 75g either
Researching is perfect for any size tank...haha. Keep doing it and take all answers in to consideration, its not a cut and paste hobby and often get confliting answers due to everyones systems and circustances and levels of experiances are different plus its natural animals in a very unatural enviroment some times things just dont follow the rules.....


New Member
I was reading different post in here & was wondering if you have been able to get all the fish in your tank that you had listed