Good Clean up crew


Ok theres probably been over a million post about this but i'm a loser and I cant find them so im goin to make the millionth and one post. I have had my tank up for about a month I have some allegy on the bottom of my tank. Its a bueatiful brown poop color. I have read some post and they said when you start to get some allegy its time to add the clean up crew. My tank has been up for about 4 weeks now I had my amonia spike and the nitrate spike (small spikes) im cycling with 2 dan a black thing with 2 white spots and some live rock 23 lbs. Its a 55 gallon tank.
So first question is do u think I have cycled my tank.
2nd question is it time to add the clean up crew
3rd question what inverts make up a good clean up crew. that r reef and coral safe (in the next 6 months i will be adding alot. but i plan on taking my time 1-2 fish per month for the first 2-3 months then adding a few corals after that)
Sorry for the horrible grammer and spelling mistakes. english was never my strong point.


I was thinking some stuff like
20-55 Gallon Reef Package
Products belonging to this packageQuantity
Scarlet Hermit Crab:10
Blueleg Hermit Crab:10
Nasssarius Snail:10
Brittle Starfish:2
Coral Banded Shrimp:1
Emerald Crab:3
Turbo/Astrea Snail:20
Cleaner Clam:2
I think its over loading but i have only heard awesome stuff about so i figure they would only have a reef package togeather for a reason.


Active Member
Your tank will be fully cycled when your ammonia and nitrites both read 0
Try not to use fish to cycle your tank next time, use a piece of raw shrimp. That way your not essentially hurting any fish in the process of cycling.
The brown algae you see is probably diatoms when will bloom during the cycle and disapate when it is finished. Are you using powerheads? What is the GPH rated.
As for cleanup, when the cycle is over. Start with some scarlet hermits or blueleg hermits, get 10 or so of each maybe.


I think I am fully cycled everything was showing 0 levels. I dont have a powerhead yet. I was told to wait till I am fully cycled before i add one. If i should add it now let me no ill ordered today. I dont no my gph i have a coralife super skimmer ment for 65 g. and a emperor 400 for a filiter i dont no if that helps at all lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alanwest
I think I am fully cycled everything was showing 0 levels. I dont have a powerhead yet. I was told to wait till I am fully cycled before i add one. If i should add it now let me no ill ordered today. I dont no my gph i have a coralife super skimmer ment for 65 g. and a emperor 400 for a filiter i dont no if that helps at all lol.

your levels are zero now but you saw the ammonia spike at .25 right?
Deff add at least 2 powerheads.
Maxijet1200's are really a good choice rated a 295 GPH I believe.


get a couple turbo snails to clean the walls of the tank.
about 3 emerald crabs, and some hermits like he said, and i have been told brittle stars are very helpfull 2, and a cleaner shrimp of some kind if u want.


Originally Posted by Nick76
Maxijet1200's are really a good choice rated a 295 GPH I believe.
The only maxijet they have out of stock /cry lol.
thanks for the info im looking around trying to find something comparable.
If anyone knows a good site to get a good vho or metal halide lighing system for around 300 for a 55 gallon 48"tank please let me no


also opinions on base rock please. I have 25 pounds of live rock and from what I have heard if i get base rock then the living stuff like aleagy and stuff will transfer over. I can get base rock 50 lbs for like 30 bucks i would prefer to spend 30 over 200 for good live rock. plus i dont have to worry about an ammonia spike because there wont be any living or dead on the base rock to start off with.