Good Colorful First Coral


What would you guys suggest as a good hardy colorful coral?
Keep in mind that all I have is 130watts of pc light obove my 29, so it can't require too much light. Here are my water parameters:
SG: 1.023
PH: 8.2
Temp 77.8
Nitrate 5
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Calcium 400
Alkalinity 2.58
How hardy are the following?


Active Member
I wouldn't recomend it, not at all.. i've had a gionpora for 5 months, and i've seen notable new polyp growth, i feed microverts,a nd it's under MH


Stay away from the flower pot (gonipora) for now if not forever. That was my first coral over a year ago. I did not research it and did not know anything about them. From what I understand now, very few people have success with these if any success at all. Most die within a year for even people that really know what they are doing. I lost mine after 2 months and I had very stable water conditions, lighting, water flow, etc.