Good deal?


Hi , Is this a good deal 90 gal drilled tank w 30 gallon sump , mag 5 return pump, stand, 48" 2x175 watt metal halide 2x95 watt comp.fl.w 6 moon lights oddesea fixture. several powerheads & some misc. stuff 400.00 dollars
Thanks John


Active Member
Yes in deed by my estimations. Of course one would expect it to be in good shape with no leaks anywhere. The Oddysea fixture should probably get some new, better ballasts put on it though.


Active Member
Do some searching on the Oddysea lighting here on the boards. They are known to have less that adequate ballasts.


I tried to post in lighting dyi section. How do I upgrade this fixture and where do I get parts? Also the pc ballast is no good all help would be welcome.
Thanks John


Active Member
PC ballast is fine, get yourself some higher end bulbs for it though.
MH ballasts from odyssea are not good at all, take it from me, i used it for a year and wished i hadn't now that i see the difference. It produces the wrong spectrum for good color and strong growth. it is easy to pick yourself up a new ballast from ice cap. some people can help you with that
but other than that, GREAT deal. I'd up your ballast power to a 2x250 watter though if you are doing a 90 gallon tank, that is a lot of depth to penetrate and youll have much more fun with that higher wattage ballast in regards to the coral choices you'll have and where u can place them.


Hi, I would love to check ice cap however I am new to this part and could really use some help. I know I need new ballast can I increase wattage in the same fixture with new ballast & Bulbs?
Thanks John


Active Member
yup, so ive heard/seen. new single ended(SE) bulbs and a new ballast would be good. You COULD save your cash and just sell that unit to someone and buy yourself a retro kit or some pendants with ballasts of course, put some nice 14k bulbs in there and be done with it. haha Id post on the central if you want more info on light tricks and ideas . Heres my setup for my light system.
2x250 watt PFO ballast with 14k Hamilton bulbs and cheapo reflectors. Supplemented by 100 watt'ish odyssea PC actinics (Hamilton bulbs though). working good so far
Had the lights high in the beginning for the transition from 175 to 250 watt
