Good Enough Lighting? Experts Advise Please?


just wondering what anybody's ideas were on running this light for most anemones and 60% of corals? good enough? i have a 29 gallon tank and was told by many sources that this should b ok but i wanted to see what everybody else thought, thanks for the replies!
livestock includes:
2 perc clowns
i green bubble tip anemone
clean up crew
below is the link to my light, thanks!


Active Member
and fyi, corallife isnt all that great, do a search on current usa lighting, the best deals to be found are at the mountain of pets, just google current usa T5HO lights and one of the sites they give you should be the mountain of pets.
for the best lights you can get for a good price, current usa nova extreme pro :p


i've already purchased the light i described earlier, i didn't know which one to go with, will this light be sufficient for a gbta?


Active Member
I don't think long term. It really all depends on where it ends up, if its at the very top of the tank then it may do ok but if it moves on or near the bottom then your anemone could have some problems.


Active Member
how old is your tank? is it a newly established tank? if so, you may have some probs with your nem as it is just because they really require an established tank to really flourish


see thats a huge problem then because i have a 29 gallon tank, there aren't many lights then that could go well with that, ive been told that mh's will fry anything in there at that size tank and t5 doesn't make anything for 29 gallons


Active Member
how long is your tank, you tell me how long it is and give me your email addy and i will find you a t5ho light for a decent price, promise


it is a somewhat newly established tank, it has been running with live rock and sand for roughy 2-3 months, but has only had the gbta in there for roughly 3 weeks, and the clowns even less time
I have a 4 foot Corallife (2X250W MH, 2X65W Actinic, 4 LED Moon lights), and must say it works very well for me. I have SPS, LPS coral and all do well


Active Member
Originally Posted by kylecorson
i bought it from a websit on line, will they give me a 100% refund do u think?
Did you pay for it yet? You said you bought it tonight, I am sure they didn't ship it out yet. Just call and tell them to cancel the order, no big deal.
Originally Posted by mboswell1982

hey subie, do u think 4x24w would be enough if its T5HO?
Borderline I think. Closer to 150 watts would be better.


Active Member
Current USA sunpod can be found by googling it for under $300. 30 inches, 150 watt metal halide. Your anemone will thank you, if it can hold on a bit longer.


also i have been told to reduce my lighting down to 6-8 hours as opposed to 10-12 hours, do u think this is a good idea? i have been expiriencing brown algea problems?


subielover;2858957 said:
Did you pay for it yet? You said you bought it tonight, I am sure they didn't ship it out yet. Just call and tell them to cancel the order, no big deal.
no i've had it in the tank already running for a month or so, so it's been here and running for a while