Good enought lightingfor an anemone?


I want to get a sebae anemone in the 55 gallon.
My LFS said I had good enough lighting but I know to come here and ask
I have two Eclipse Natural Daylight 18 watts


Active Member
What type? PC, t5 etc.? How many watts? I am thinking no but answering these questions will determine it for sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SrgVigil
This is what it says on the lightbulb
F15T8 18"
19 watts
No... not even close. You need nothing less than HO t-5 lights, at about 300 watts 6 bulb fixture with 54 watt bulbs. Individual reflectors are prefered.


I know I am not suppose to post links to other websites that take away business but seeing how the Current website sells only lights and SWF does not am I allowed to post links cause i have questions on somwe of those lights
correction: nevermind swf does sell lights, am i still allowed to post the links though since they dont sell them at the site?


if they sell lights then no, if they sell fish no, if they sell anything around what SWF dose then no i know, i was worned


New Member
Have never gotten why you can't post a link for a light. All it would do would create more business for Maybe not though, look at their coral list right now.


Active Member
Really all you have to do is type in Nova Pro or Nova Sundial or whatever and do a Google search. You will find them somewhere.
Like someone said before "If I was an employee at Lowes, I wouldn't stand in front of it telling people to go to Home Depot because the prices are cheaper." Same thing here, even though personally I believe it's a bit over-rated as there are many other noncompetitive educational sites out there.