Good fish set-up?


My fish are going to be 2 blue/green reef chromis. Later i want to add 2 occelaris or percula clowns.After that i want yellow tang then blue tang. Is this a good set up for a 55 gallon tank?


It takes along time for a tang to outgrow a tank. I had my sailfin in my 50g for about 2 years but did have to eventually move him to a 150g. I think you could do a small yellow with plans to upgrade tanks in a few years. Wouldn't do the blue though. The other fish are hardy and good fish to own.


What if i got small yellow tang on this website, how long could i keep it in my 55? Also could i get a red starfish with the fish above?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
A few months IMO maybe a year
OMG!!! Come on I am really get sick of you guys!!! A smaller type of tang like a chevron, koles, MAYBE a yellow would be fine in a 55 for a very long time! You dont need a 100+ for these fish. all the smaller ones need are 75 to 90.


You can also keep a nurse shark in a 75 gallon tank, but I doubt they like it much. I actually saw this a couple months ago in some dipsticks l.f.s. Anyway other problems can become an issue other than ethical ones as tangs can and often become territorial to other small fishes in home aquariums and can nip coral due to stress in smaller tanks. But you can do anything you want, just doesn't always mean it's right.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by sprang
You can also keep a nurse shark in a 75 gallon tank, but I doubt they like it much. I actually saw this a couple months ago in some dipsticks l.f.s. Anyway other problems can become an issue other than ethical ones as tangs can and often become territorial to other small fishes in home aquariums and can nip coral due to stress in smaller tanks. But you can do anything you want, just doesn't always mean it's right.
A nurse shark vs a smaller sized tang. I am not saying you can have a naso in a 75 but the smaller ones yes you can. as long as you have good water and swiming space your ok. the fish will only be stressed if the other stuff is bad. and the stress wont make them nip at corals
maybe cause ick but not coral nipping.


Originally Posted by MaTT B
OMG!!! Come on I am really get sick of you guys!!! A smaller type of tang like a chevron, koles, MAYBE a yellow would be fine in a 55 for a very long time! You dont need a 100+ for these fish. all the smaller ones need are 75 to 90.
Sorry dude...this is one of my first threads and i want to know whats going on...gee


I've had an Atlantic Blue Tang in my 54 gal corner tank for about a year. I've never had any issues with it being aggressive nor stressed. I am planning on moving him in about 6 months to my 125 gal.
IMO You can get the tangs, but be prepared to move them to larger tank as they grow.


Active Member
Yellow tangs get larger then you think, I just read a thread where someone has on that is 10 inches. thats a big fish. 55 are only 12 inch wide. You might be able to keep a small one for 4 or 5 mo, but why would you want to have to catch it, stress it and trade it in. There are plenty of nice fish for that tank size.