Good Fish? Watchman Goby?


Went to the fish store today to purchase some sand sifters. I grabbed some snails and after speaking to the guy picked up a Watchman Goby.
Guy told me he would do a much better job then the snails and crabs and was very active and busy fish.
I had room in the tank for him, is there anything I need to watch out for with this guy?
I have enough base rock and set it up so if he does dig, nothing will move.

spider crab

If he's anything like the diamond goby he'll do a great job. My diamond grabs a mouth full of sand and filters is through his gills. Keeps the sand nice and clean and moves it around alot. They are fun to watch.
They can bury sessile inverts, so you might not want to have anything in the sand that could get covered up. They can move alot of sand around in a day.
I've never had any problems with rock shifting due to their work. Mine has created a lair under one of my rocks and seems to share it with my Fiji Bar goby.


Thanks -
Yeah its a Orange Spotted Diamond Goby or Watchman Goby I guess there are a few different names.
He is basically silver with orange spots all over his body.
I wanted to have good circulation in the sand so hopefully he will do the trick )
Thanks again