good HOB skimmer



I got an AquaC Remora a little over 2 weeks ago for my smaller tank and so far I am not impressed. It's making ok foam but whenever I feed, it makes a ton of micro bubbles and doesn't do any skimming for a good hour afterwards. And it's not just while feeding, it makes micro bubbles constantly, just not as bad as when feeding. Hopefully it's still breaking in and this will stop. Oh yeah, it's also kinda noisy.


The Remora will take a few weeks to adjust. The noise and micro bubble output will decrease.


Give it 3 weeks. It took mine about that long to start working all the way.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I got an AquaC Remora a little over 2 weeks ago for my smaller tank and so far I am not impressed. It's making ok foam but whenever I feed, it makes a ton of micro bubbles and doesn't do any skimming for a good hour afterwards. And it's not just while feeding, it makes micro bubbles constantly, just not as bad as when feeding. Hopefully it's still breaking in and this will stop. Oh yeah, it's also kinda noisy.
Mine did the same and oh is noisy! I let it break in for almost a month and it didnt get any better. I just got a octopus bh300f and its a beast and quiet but it dose make micro bubbles but not that bad and I think any HOB will make some


New Member
I have a D&D Typhoon on my 55 for awhile, but I took it off beacue the pump that it came with went bad. I still have it if u want to buy it, ill let it go for super cheap since i doesnt have a pump. When the pump was in good condition it produced alot of skimmate. It took alittle while to fine tune but once I got it goin, it ran great. Shoot me a PM if u want pics.


The octopus hb300f looks cool and it sure has a big footprint compared to the RemoraC. So if the needle wheel pump goes bad how easily can you get a replacement? Is it as easy as walking into your LFS and getting a max-jet 1200?