Good idea or not?



The 90 gallon tank I wanted was bought by another person for a heigher price, so I am back to finding a tank again.
I had the idea of building a tank
60"long x 20"wide x 18" heigh= 94gallons or 60" x 24" x 16"=99.75gallons
I like the idea of this tank and would like to know if this would be better for a smaller aggressive tank because it is longer so they have more swimming space or worse, because it is not heigh.
Is this a good idea or not? It is within by bugget price wise and my dad works with glass so he would know what to do...


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
A bigger tank is always better, but as far as, is it adequate? Depends on the fish. Any ideas?
on the fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
on the fish?
I've always liked more length than more height--everything else being equal. More swimming room, more surface area. It seems that most tall tanks I've seen have a lot of lifeless area, especially in the upper part of the tank. (Unless you keep Batfish)


Originally Posted by srfisher17
I've always liked more length than more height--everything else being equal. More swimming room, more surface area. It seems that most tall tanks I've seen have a lot of lifeless area, especially in the upper part of the tank. (Unless you keep Batfish)
So do you think it is a good idea???


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
So do you think it is a good idea???
Sure! How can a new tank be a bad idea? (Not in our world, anyway.) It's just my opinion, but I'd do the 60x24x16;really not much difference, tho.


Tall tanks definitely have an exotic and high class look to them, but you need to choose fish that will occupy that space. I have a custom, extra tall 24"x12"x24" freshwater planted tank with a pair of angelfish and its absolutely stunning and looks very unique.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jon321
Tall tanks definitely have an exotic and high class look to them, but you need to choose fish that will occupy that space. I have a custom, extra tall 24"x12"x24" freshwater planted tank with a pair of angelfish and its absolutely stunning and looks very unique.
Yes, I liked tall tanks for display when I bred FW angels & discus (to finance my addiction) several years ago.A 24x12x24 would be great. But, FW angels & discus are very inactive & slow compared to any SW fish I can think of. SW fish need all the swimming space we can give them.


Active Member
Yep, any ideas or plans for keeping fish? Just for instance, I wouldn't keep a v. lion in a 16" tall tank.


I have new dimensions: 60x24x18= 112gallons
Ok, for fish I was thinking:
1.Tang(smaller variety)
1.Fuzzy Dwarf Lion
1.Eel of some sort. (really like the banana eel but it is expensive)
1.Angel ( I would like a big one but don't think I can have one)
1.Trigger (maby a blue throat)
Maby a big Maroon Clown


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
I have new dimensions: 60x24x18= 112gallons
Ok, for fish I was thinking:
1.Tang(smaller variety)
1.Fuzzy Dwarf Lion
1.Eel of some sort. (really like the banana eel but it is expensive)
1.Angel ( I would like a big one but don't think I can have one)
1.Trigger (maby a blue throat)
Maby a big Maroon Clown
Nice group, I agree with you on the angel, go with a dwarf...and the maroon should also do well. The blue throat trigger is an excellent choice. I don't do eels, so I'll stay away from that one There will be folks who think you may be crowding, and you may be, a bit. But, IMO, just go slowly and things should work.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Nice group, I agree with you on the angel, go with a dwarf...and the maroon should also do well. The blue throat trigger is an excellent choice. I don't do eels, so I'll stay away from that one There will be folks who think you may be crowding, and you may be, a bit. But, IMO, just go slowly and things should work.
Eels arn't my thing either, but I really like the banana...
I didn't think it would be over stocked, but I quess I thought wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
Eels arn't my thing either, but I really like the banana...
I didn't think it would be over stocked, but I quess I thought wrong.

I agree with you; but some other folks such as the Extreme Wing of the Tang Police, may not. No set-in-stone rules here.


Is it overstocked, or is it just the tang that some people will have a problem with?
I will upgrade eventually so it's not like they will live in it forever.


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
Is it overstocked, or is it just the tang that some people will have a problem with?
I will upgrade eventually so it's not like they will live in it forever.
Just go slow, a fish or 2 at a time.....and don't worry so much, you'll be fine.


I'm not worried, I just didnt think it was overstocked....


Ok, I think I'm going bigger.. What do you think about 72x18x18 or 72x20x18


Active Member
You'll definitely be able to do a large angel then!
My only slight concern is with a large angel and a lion. I know they typically a miss (versus hit) with large angel and large lion. No idea on large angel/dwarf lion though. Just something to consider I guess.
You opened up your tang options too. I think that original list, with the updates, would be perfect. Maybe add a wrasse or something if you feel comfortable.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
You'll definitely be able to do a large angel then!
My only slight concern is with a large angel and a lion. I know they typically a miss (versus hit) with large angel and large lion. No idea on large angel/dwarf lion though. Just something to consider I guess.
You opened up your tang options too. I think that original list, with the updates, would be perfect. Maybe add a wrasse or something if you feel comfortable.
Great! I'm glad that I can have a large angel now!
I know a lion and angel is hit and miss, but I think I am going to risk it..