Good LFS in DFW


Well honestly I couldn’t tell you because I have no clue about lighting. I just know that it is a cheap strip light. Well I checked out The Marine Center and come to find out they are in the same city as me but they don’t let people just walk in (go figure) but I e-mailed them a couple of times and never got a response back so I figured they were not worth doing business with.


Yes they are near you. And no they do not have a store front. They are MO only. Delivery for us is like $10.00 And the prices are better than Our LFS. And the quality is excellent. As far as response time yes it may be a little slow but they are a small Family owned and operated buissness. And they do have to sleep, Take time to eat and take care of personal life as well. But the choice is always up to the buyer. But they get what other MO venders want order. If he doesn't carry it I just ask for it and he orders it. Calls me back and telles me how much it will cost and how long it will take to get It.
Well If you have no idea about the lighting then I'm sure you don't have the correct lighting for corals.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
yeah i ordered from marine center. I begged and begged, but they wouldnt let me come in to pick out my rock. But the rock they sent me was great, wasnt supposed to be cured but when i got it had no smell at all. 25 lbs didnt raise the ammonia in my tank one bit. I highly recommend them.


Well then I think I will order off them next time I need some fish. What all would I need if i wanted to have just enough lighting to keep corals if I am starting from scratch?


Lighting For one of the 10 gal Tanks? If so you could go with a 2 x28w pc set up And be able to keep softies and mushrooms, polyps. You could also move upto a 20 gal tank go with a 3 x 28w pc set up Like I have on my 20 gal and you could keep most LPS as well. Move up to say a 175w MH bulb and you could keep SPS and Clams.