Good Lord..Trying pics again! (what an idiot!)


Here we go again..Im deleting them as I go, Jackson, so I dont clog up the board with mistakes..thanks for helping!!!


Active Member
ahhh, there ya go... looks great! The colors are wonderful, and I love the sand bed. I wish I had done sand in my 75. Keep up the good work.


Doh..that WAS a link..ok, I got it now..
The pink plant on the right (behind the lava rock) is the silk thing that the Perculas live in..odd huh? They were in the tank about 2 minutes, headed for the plant and been there ever since. Pretty cool! :cool:


SillyQueen, your tank is awesome! Also, I was wondering, how did u post the pics? I've been tryin and haven't got it yet. Also, I think that (if you want) put a blue backround in the back. Your tank would look a lot prettier, plus you wouldn't have to see your equipment in the back.


Hey Sweels..the backround IS! Its such an algae mess, it looks bad, but I want the stuff for my Blennie..what a cute baby!!!
Hiding the equipment is an issue I havent figured out yet. I guess it'll just cover over with algae and blend in! ;)
The pic...I think you have to have them uploaded to a website first..not sure if you can take one right from your hraddrive..ask Jackson, he can help!


Oops, sorry sillyqueen, to cover up the mechanical stuff, you can put maybe rocks around it, or more plants by it, so it blocks the view of the mechanical stuff.


Im getting more rock as I get the money..its so damned expensive! I wanted the plants to cover a lot of the equip, but the power heads just blow the plants away from where I place them. I got all my Damsels out..NOW I can concentrate on what I want...I bought lil FireGobie last night, so now I have him and my Lawnmower Blennie. My lfs is getting more stock in Friday..Im hoping for a Purple Firegobie and maybe a few more small ones...we'll see.